

Now recruiting for residents to our ACGME-approved nuclear medicine residency and ACGME-equivalent nuclear medicine fellowship programs.

No. 1 核医学住院医师计划 排名靠前和靠后 U.S. News and World Report.

约翰霍普金斯核医学住院医师培训项目, established in 1974, 获得研究生医学教育认证委员会(ACGME)的全面认证。. Our program provides high quality specialized training in both diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine by faculty experts in the field, prepares residents for success careers in clinical and academic practice and qualifies trainees to sit for the American Board of Nuclear Medicine (ABNM) certification exam. Our fellowship program is ACGME-equivalent and is available for those who have already completed a diagnostic radiology or nuclear medicine residency.

所需培训的时间长短取决于住院医师先前的培训情况. A three-year program is required for residents whose prior training includes one year of ACGME-approved residency (preliminary year). 已完成另一项非影像学住院医师(如.g.(内科)可以在两年的项目中完成他们的核医学培训. Those who have completed an ACGME-approved diagnostic radiology residency are required to take only a one-year program. International Medical Graduates with certification in diagnostic radiology outside the United States who are seeking board certification through ABR Alternate Pathway, 也可以申请一年或一年以上的核医学培训吗.

有关核医学住院医师或奖学金项目的更多信息或任何问题, please contact:

email: [email protected]

Program Director: Lilja Solnes, M.D., M.B.A.
副项目主任: Sara Sheikhbahaei, M.D., M.P.H.

Program Benefits


The department pays the full cost of residents' Maryland and DC Medical licenses and the registration fees for your ABNM board exam. Residents are allotted an annual educational fund that can be used to purchase a variety of educational and learning materials. Funding is also available for residents to attend the scientific and educational meetings at which they present (e.g., SNMMI, RSNA). Johns Hopkins GME covers comprehensive medical insurance for all house staff and dependents including medical, dental and vision. 其他福利包括绣有名字的实验服和洗衣服务, 库利中心健身房会员, and more. 

Expert Faculty

The program has a strong clinical and basic science teaching program in all areas of diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine. Our faculty includes national and world experts in various subspecialty areas of nuclear medicine and has considerable experience in teaching and research. Our faculties have authored several text-books and book chapters in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging, 包括Harvey Ziessman的《推荐十大正规网赌平台》, M.D.、《全球十大外围足球平台》.

Johns Hopkins University is recognized as one of the most prestigious and well-known medical centers in the United States. 我们觉得我们的住院医师培训是全国最强的核医学培训项目之一.


How to Apply

核医学住院医师培训计划欢迎任何种族的学员, color, gender, religion, age, 国籍或种族出身或残疾. 申请住院医师资格, 候选人必须成功完成一年的acgme认可的实习.


  • Completed application form
  • 图片(感谢但不是必需的)
  • CV
  • Personal statement
  • 3封推荐信
  • 医学院成绩单
  • USMLE transcript
  • ECFMG证书(如适用)


email: [email protected]

Degree Verification
Please send requests to [email protected]

Certification Letters
Please send requests to [email protected]



Henry Wagner Jr., M.D., 他可能是世界上最有名的核医学医生, 当了将近30年的部门主管. Richard Wahl, M.D., a distinguished teacher, researcher and clinician, 2001年至2015年担任部门主管. Martin G. Pomper, M.D., Ph.D., 国际知名分子成像领域的领导者, 2015年至2023年担任部门主管. 现任部门主管是Lilja B. Solnes, M.D., M.B.A. 谁还领导放射治疗服务.