Staying Healthy During Pregnancy


发现自己怀孕是一件令人兴奋和喜悦的事情, filled with planning and anticipation for your baby’s future. 这也可能是一个充满疑问和担忧的时期——随着胎儿的成长,怀孕会导致你的身体发生许多变化. With all of these changes, 重要的是要保持健康,并与你的医生一起找到最适合你个人怀孕的方法.

In this section, 我们的专家提供了在怀孕期间保持健康的一般指导方针,以及在你的三个月里你可以期待什么.

The First Trimester

健康的前三个月对宝宝的发育至关重要. You may not be showing much on the outside yet, but on the inside, your baby’s major body organs and systems are forming.

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The Second Trimester

妊娠中期对你和宝宝来说是一个转折点. 你可能会开始感觉更好,因为身体症状在怀孕的前三个月更常见, like nausea and morning sickness, begin to subside, and you will start showing the pregnancy more. 你的宝宝已经发育了所有的器官和系统,并将开始在身高和体重上增长.

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The Third Trimester

最后三个月标志着最后的冲刺,因为你准备分娩. Your baby will continue to grow in length and weight.

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Common Tests During Pregnancy

Your health care provider may recommend a variety of tests, 在你怀孕的三个月里进行筛查和成像.

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Nutrition During Pregnancy

了解健康怀孕的最佳食物是很重要的, what foods should be avoided, and the best vitamin and mineral supplements.

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Exercise During Pregnancy

Regular exercise, with the approval of your health care provider, 能帮助减少怀孕带来的身体不适,帮助产后恢复吗.

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Travel During Pregnancy

在大多数情况下,孕妇可以安全旅行,直到临近预产期. 但可能不建议有妊娠并发症的女性去旅行. If you are planning a trip, talk with your obstetrician. 无论你选择怎样的旅行方式,都要提前考虑你的舒适和安全. The best time to travel is mid-pregnancy (14–28 weeks). During these weeks, your energy has returned, morning sickness is improved or gone, and you are still able to get around easily. 28周后,走动或长时间坐着可能会比较困难. 美国妇产科医师学会(ACOG)推荐以下小贴士 travel during pregnancy.

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Medical Conditions and Pregnancy

There are certain medical conditions, whether preexisting or those that develop during pregnancy, which may cause complications. 你的医疗保健提供者将能够帮助你处理这些并发症.

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If you get a cold or flu, 在怀孕期间使用安全的药物来治疗这些症状是可以的. You do not have to treat a stuffy nose or cough, but it is important to treat a fever if you have one. A fever can be very dangerous in the first trimester. For this reason, 你的医生通常也会建议不要通过热瑜伽等活动来提高你的核心体温, Jacuzzi or sauna.

如果你打算在流感季节(11月至2月)怀孕, 你的医生可能会强烈建议你接种流感疫苗. The flu and pregnancy page 美国疾病控制与预防中心的主任说,孕妇接种疫苗后,患流感相关急性呼吸道感染的风险降低了大约一半。

  • 这种疫苗不含活病毒,不会让你得流感, and is recommended for all pregnant women.
  • 鼻喷雾剂是一种活的/弱的流感病毒,应该 not be given in pregnancy.
  • 这种疫苗可以在怀孕的任何时候注射.

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孕妇和产后妇女比非孕妇患COVID-19更严重疾病的风险更高. ACOG strongly recommends vaccination 如果你怀孕了,正在哺乳或计划怀孕. COVID-19 vaccines are safe during pregnancy, cannot give you COVID-19 and do not affect your genes or DNA. 没有证据表明COVID-19疫苗会导致不孕或对怀孕产生影响.

It’s important to follow current mask guidelines from the CDC. 口罩指南可能会根据COVID-19对社区的影响而改变. You can look up your county 在疾病预防控制中心网站上查看您所在地区的最新指南. 有时疾控中心可能会建议每个人都戴口罩, 或者那些有严重疾病高风险的人可以考虑戴口罩. 记住,当你怀孕或产后时,你患严重疾病的风险更高.

It is still recommended 在公共交通工具和机场或火车站等旅游中心戴口罩. 在卫生保健机构,遵循卫生保健机构的指导方针. 即使没有必要,戴口罩也是个好主意, 特别是当COVID-19与流感同时传播时.

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Vaccines and Medications

Allowed: 在很多情况下,当你在怀孕期间感到不舒服时,吃药是可以的. 请咨询您的医生,了解适合您的药物的详细信息. It is also safe to get shots for the flu, whooping cough, COVID-19, hepatitis, pneumonia and certain types of meningitis during pregnancy. 建议所有孕妇接种以下三种疫苗:

  • Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis (Tdap) vaccine
  • Flu vaccine
  • COVID-19 vaccine

Not allowed: 某些疫苗不应在怀孕期间接种,因为它们含有减毒活病毒. 减毒是指病毒已被削弱,不能在健康人身上引起疾病. 妇女在怀孕期间不应接种的疫苗包括:

  • 减毒活流感疫苗作为鼻喷雾剂(但流感疫苗是安全的)
  • Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine
  • Chickenpox vaccine

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Care and Management of Multiple Pregnancy

Pregnancy with twins, 三胞胎或高倍数可能需要不同的营养需求和分娩类型.

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Labor is a series of continuous, 子宫进行性收缩,导致你的孩子出生.

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你的宝宝可能是顺产或剖宫产, 这取决于您宝宝的体位和您的医疗保健提供者确定的其他医疗因素.

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Treatments, Tests and Therapies

Wellness and Prevention