woman looks at sonogram
woman looks at sonogram
woman looks at sonogram

The Second Trimester

What You Need to Know

  • During your second trimester prenatal visits, 你的医生会继续检查你和宝宝的健康状况, including monitoring the fetal heartbeat.
  • 对大多数女性来说,妊娠中期是身体最享受的时期. Morning sickness usually lessens by this time, 极度疲劳和乳房疼痛通常会缓解.
  • 你的胎儿现在已经发育了所有的器官和系统,现在开始在长度和重量上增长.
  • 你可能会在20周左右第一次感觉到胎儿的运动. This phenomenon is called quickening.
  • 24周后出生的胎儿可以在新生儿重症监护病房存活.

Prenatal Visits During the Second Trimester

在你妊娠中期和晚期产前检查期间, your health care provider may check the following, 根据您目前的医疗状况和胎儿的健康状况:

  • Any current symptoms or discomforts

  • Your weight

  • Your blood pressure

  • Urine test. 这样做是为了找到白蛋白,一种可能表明 pre-eclampsia 或毒血症和葡萄糖(这可能表明高血糖).

  • Growth, size and development of the fetus

  • Size of the uterus. 大约在妊娠12周后,可以通过腹壁感觉到子宫.

  • 眼底高度(子宫顶部),从妊娠20周开始

  • Fetal heartbeat

The Second Trimester: What to Expect

妊娠中期标志着母亲和胎儿的转折点. 你通常会开始感觉更好,并开始更多地显示怀孕的迹象. 你的胎儿现在已经发育了所有的器官和系统,现在开始在长度和重量上生长.

During the second trimester, 脐带继续变粗,因为它为胎儿输送营养. However, 有害物质也会通过脐带传给胎儿, so care should be taken to avoid alcohol, tobacco and other known hazards.



The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative, 这是一个由世界卫生组织和联合国儿童基金会发起的全球项目, 指定约翰霍普金斯医院为爱婴医院. This designation is given to hospitals and birthing centers 这为婴儿喂养和母婴关系提供了最佳水平的护理.

The Second Trimester: Changes to Your Body

对大多数女性来说,妊娠中期是身体最享受的时期. Morning sickness usually lessens by this time, 极度疲劳和乳房疼痛通常会缓解. 这些变化可归因于人类绒毛膜促性腺激素水平的降低以及雌激素和孕激素水平的调整.


  • Appetite may increase.

  • 你可能会在20周左右第一次感觉到胎儿的运动. This phenomenon is called quickening.

  • 子宫在20周左右长到肚脐的高度,可见怀孕.

  • The skin on the belly may itch as it grows, 当子宫伸展时,身体两侧可能会感到疼痛. 当韧带拉伸以支撑子宫时,下胃可能会疼痛.

  • 随着子宫长出盆腔,小便的需要可能会减少, relieving pressure on the bladder.

  • 你的鼻子可能会充血,你可能会流鼻血. 这是由于激素(雌激素和黄体酮)和血流的增加影响了鼻子的粘膜和血管.

  • Your gums become spongier and may bleed easily. 这是由于影响口腔粘膜的激素(雌激素和黄体酮)的增加.

  • Varicose veins and hemorrhoids may appear.

  • 你可能会有白色的阴道分泌物,称为白带. (有色或带血的分泌物可能是并发症的信号,应立即检查.)

  • The increasing weight gain may cause backaches.

  • 由于怀孕激素的影响,面部或腹部的皮肤色素可能会发生变化.

  • Heart burn, indigestion and constipation may continue.

The Second Trimester: Fetal Development 

现在胎儿所有的主要器官和系统都已经形成了, the following six months will be spent growing. 在接下来的几个月里,胎儿的体重将增加七倍以上, 当胎儿长成可以在子宫外存活的婴儿时.


By the end of the second trimester, 你的胎儿大约有13到16英寸长,2到3磅重. 妊娠中期的胎儿发育包括以下几个方面:

  • 胎儿踢腿,移动,可以从一边到另一边.

  • 眼睛已经逐渐移到脸的前部, 耳朵也从脖子移到了头部两侧. The fetus can hear your voice.

  • A creamy white substance (called vernix caseosa, 或简称为vernix)开始出现在胎儿上,并帮助保护胎儿的薄皮肤. Vernix是逐渐被皮肤吸收的,但有些婴儿甚至在出生后也能看到.

  • 胎儿正在形成反射,比如吞咽和吸吮.

  • The fetus can respond to certain stimuli.

  • The placenta is fully developed.

  • 从第5个月开始,大脑将经历最重要的发育时期.

  • 手指和脚趾尖上长出了指甲, and the fingers and toes are fully separated.

  • 胎儿会经历睡眠和清醒的循环.

  • 皮肤布满皱纹,呈红色,覆盖着柔软的绒毛(称为胎毛)。.

  • Hair is growing on the head of the fetus.

  • Fat begins to accumulate in the fetus.

  • 眼皮开始张开,眉毛和睫毛都可以看到了.

  • Fingerprints and toeprints have formed.

  • 胎儿的大小和体重仍在快速增长.

  • 第20周是怀孕的中点.


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