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感谢您对约翰霍普金斯大学医学博士项目的兴趣! 我们很乐意分享更多全球十大外围足球平台项目的信息,也想多了解你一点.

Admissions Steps


约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的申请流程有四个步骤. 请务必仔细阅读这部分内容, note the deadlines listed and follow the links for more specific information. 

  1. 入学条件和要求

    确保你符合录取条件 前提条件、要求和技术标准.

  2. 完成AMCAS申请.

    Applications for admission begin with the common application submitted online at 美国医学院申请服务中心 . 秋季入学申请必须由AMCAS接收 不迟于10月15日. 如果您对AMCAS有任何疑问,请不要联系约翰霍普金斯大学招生办公室. 请联系AAMC学生服务部,地址是华盛顿特区LBBY 26 M街西北2501号.C. 10037-1300,或致电202-828-0600.


  3. Complete the 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院 secondary application.

    除了AMCAS申请之外, 这个过程包括约翰霍普金斯医学院的第二份申请. 一旦我们收到你的 verified application from AMCAS, you will automatically be sent a link to the secondary application.

    在您提交在线二级申请之前,入学申请将不会被处理. Important notes:

    • 任何遗漏将会延迟处理你的申请
    • 在第二份申请中包括你的AMCAS ID号
    • The M.D. 二级申请截止日期为11月1日. The M.D./Ph.D. 二级申请截止日期为11月1日.

    二级申请费减免授予已获批准的AMCAS一级申请费减免的申请人. 请参考约翰霍普金斯大学医学院在线二次申请中的说明. Fee waivers are not allowed without the required AMCAS approval form.

  4. 第四步:提交推荐信.

    推荐信的两个M.D. program and the M.D./Ph.D. 程序必须通过提交 AMCAS Letter Service .

    Any one of the following will satisfy the letters of recommendation requirement:

    • Committee letter (required if your college/university has an officially designated committee or advisor). 由健康前委员会或顾问撰写,旨在代表您所在机构对您的评估. 委员会信可能包括也可能不包括支持你的申请的额外信件.
    • Letter packet: A packet or set of letters assembled and distributed by your institution, 通常由学校的就业中心提供.
    • Faculty letters (required if the college/university you attended does not have a committee or advisor). These must include:
      • Two (2) letters from faculty members in science departments who have taught you, AND
      • One (1) letter from a non-science faculty member who has taught you
    • In addition to those letters required for application to the MD Program, 所有医学博士申请者至少需要另外两封推荐信(总共五封)。. These letters are typically from faculty with whom the applicant has done research.

    Note: If you have a graduate degree or significant full-time work experience of a year or more, you are also required to send a letter from the individual who supervised your work. 如果你持有一个以上的职位至少一年, 包括每位直接主管的信.


Financial Aid

约翰霍普金斯医学院致力于为所有符合条件的学生提供经济援助,这些学生根据资金的可用性和证明的经济需求符合条件. 我们与每个学生一起探索使约翰霍普金斯大学医学教育成为可能的选择.


我们相信,有许多指标显示了约翰霍普金斯大学医学院医学教育的价值. Here are a few


Have a question? 以下是我们的一些常见问题以及招生办副院长的回答.

Admissions Timeline

Note: 下面列出的日期是确定的. 哪里列出了一个月,没有具体日期, 由于AMCAS每年的时间表略有波动,具体时间有待确定.  查看下面的注册详情.

Important Dates and Deadlines for Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine M.D. Admissions



  • February 21 - "Plan to Enroll" becomes available for accepted applicants
  • Late March/Early April: Final round of decisions sent to acceptances and rejected candidates
  • April 15: Admitted applicants must narrow acceptances to three (3) medical schools



  • May 1"Commit to Enroll" 将适用于已获接纳的申请人
  • May 1:  "Plan to Enroll" 仍然适用于被录取的学生
  • May 2:  AMCAS application can be electronically accessed by prospective applicants
  • Mid-May: 管理学院开始使用等候名单
  • May 28: 开始提交AMCAS申请验证
  • May 30: AMCAS申请可由申请人向AMCAS提交


  • 6月28日:开始向医学院递交申请
  • June 30: Verified AMCAS applications will be released to the JHU School of Medicine
  • July 5: 经过验证的AMCAS申请人将开始通过WebAdMIT门户网站获得霍普金斯大学二级申请的访问权限
  • Mid-July: The Admissions Committee begins to review completed 2024 AMCAS applications
  • July 15 JHU SOM被录取的申请人必须选择“承诺注册约翰霍普金斯大学医学院”
  • August 7 2028届医学院新生入学介绍
  • Late August:面试开始,2025名申请者


  • October 15: JHU-SOM提交AMCAS申请的截止日期


  • November 1: Deadline for AMCAS applicants to submit their JHU SOM secondary application


  • Mid-December: First round of decisions sent to accepted and rejected candidates
  • Late January: Second round of decisions sent to accepted and rejected candidates


  • 招生委员会完成对M的审查.D. applications
  • Late February: 完成访谈
  • Late March/Early April: Final round of decisions sent to acceptances and rejected candidates
  • April 15: Admitted applicants must narrow acceptances to three (3) medical schools
  • April 30:  Accepted applicants must choose a single medical school to attend