Bowl of soybeans labeled with an allergy sign
Bowl of soybeans labeled with an allergy sign
Bowl of soybeans labeled with an allergy sign


General guidelines for soy allergy

The key to an allergy-free diet is to avoid all foods or products containing the food to which you are allergic. A soy allergy is an abnormal response of the body to the proteins found in soy. Soybeans are classified as a legume. Other foods in the legume family are navy, 肾脏, 字符串, 黑豆和扁豆, 鹰嘴豆(鹰嘴豆), 小扁豆, 角豆树, 甘草, 和花生. Sensitivity to one legume can often be in association with sensitivity to another legume.

The Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 requires U.S. manufacturers of packaged food items to state clearly on the label if it contains soy or a soy-based ingredient.

食物 允许 不允许
面包 & 淀粉
  • 面包, baked goods, cereals not containing soy ingredients
  • Potato chips or popcorn cooked in soy oil (Note: Most soy oil does not contain soy protein, 会导致大豆过敏, because the soy protein is removed during processing. Thus, soy oil generally does not cause allergy symptoms. 然而, those with soy allergies should check with their doctors about consuming products containing soy oil or processed with soy oil.)
  • Plain macaroni, rice, barley, rye, wheat, oats, or grits
  • 面包, crackers, cakes, rolls, or pastries containing peanuts, peanut oil, soy flour
  • Processed and "natural" cereals that contain soy ingredients
  • 大豆面
  • 新鲜的, 冻, or canned vegetables (except those listed as not allowed) without sauces or 练习 containing soy ingredients
  • 大豆,豆芽
  • Any vegetables prepared with sauces or 练习 containing soy products
  • All fresh, 冻, or canned fruits and juices processed without soy products
  • 水果 drink mixes, sauces or toppings for fruit that contain soy ingredients





豆油的公式, 用大豆代替咖啡, 速溶咖啡, 热可可混合物, 麦芽饮料, fruit drink mixes made with soy ingredients

肉 & 肉类替代品

任何新鲜或冷冻牛肉, 鸡, 羊肉, 猪肉, 火鸡, 小牛肉, or fish served without prepackaged sauces, 练习, 或肉汁

Pork link sausage, deli/luncheon meats made with soy

Commercially prepared meats where soy is used as a meat extender

肉 or cheese substitutes that contain soy: tofu/bean curd, natto, miso

Textured vegetable protein (TVP)

牛奶 & 奶制品

牛奶, cheese, cottage cheese, or yogurt without soy products

牛奶 drinks or milk substitutes that contain soy

汤 & 结合食品

首页made soups and commercial soups that do not contain soybeans

Soy is used in many canned soups, commercial entrees, and 结合食品

甜点 & 糖果

Ice cream, gelatin, cookies made without soy ingredients

Baked goods, such as cakes or cookies, that contain soy flour

Soy products may be used in some commercial ice creams and other 冻 desserts

Hard candies, nut candies, fudge, and caramels made with soy flour

脂肪 & 油


Margarine and butter substitutes

Some salad dressings, mayonnaise, sauces, or gravies containing soy products

Roasted soybeans or "soy nuts"

调味品 & 杂项

Sugar, honey, molasses, catsup, mustard, jelly, jam, plain sugar candies, syrup, pickles

Commercial vegetarian products and 肉类替代品 Some Worcestershire and other sauces, fermented soybean pastes (miso and natto)

酱油, tamari sauce, granola, or breakfast bars made with soy

Imitation bacon bits made with soy

How to read a label for a soy-free diet

Avoid foods that contain any of these ingredients:

  • 水解大豆蛋白

  • 味噌

  • 毛豆

  • 纳豆

  • 大豆蛋白

  • 大豆奶酪

  • 大豆纤维

  • 大豆酸奶

  • 大豆冰淇淋

  • 大豆(豆腐、颗粒)

  • Shoyo酱

  • 大豆面粉

  • 大豆粗燕麦粉

  • 大豆坚果

  • 豆奶

  • 大豆发芽

  • 大豆浓缩蛋白

  • 大豆分离蛋白

  • 大豆蛋白水解

  • 酱油

  • 日本酱油

  • 豆豉

  • Textured vegetable protein (TVP)

  • 豆腐

Other possible sources of soy or soy products

  • 亚洲美食

  • 调味料

  • 水解植物蛋白

  • 水解植物蛋白

  • 天然调味料

  • 蔬菜汤

  • 植物胶

  • 植物淀粉 

  • 调味料可能以大豆为基础

  • Vitamin E contains soybean oil

  • Hydrolyzed plant and hydrolyzed vegetable protein are likely to be soy

联系 the manufacturer to identify the natural flavorings in foods. Ask if soy is used as a carrier protein for the natural flavoring.

联系 the company to identify the vegetable broths, 牙龈, 和淀粉, as they have the potential to be soy.

请注意: The risk for an allergic reaction to soy lecithin and soy 油 is low, but 可能会发生反应. Studies show that most people who have an allergy to soy may eat products that contain soy lecithin and soy 油. This is because these substances are fat-based, and people with allergies react to the protein portion of the food. 

