Faculty Senate Charter


Approved by the Medical School Council – June 20, 2012
Approved by Dean Paul Rothman (served from 2012-2022)
 and the ABMF - June 27, 2012
Approved by the faculty electorate - August 20, 2012

In order to provide a mechanism for the Faculty, Fellows and Students of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine to participate more effectively in the deliberations and governance of the Institution, 约翰霍普金斯大学校长成立了医学院理事会. 理事会成立于1970年,其目标、组成和程序如下. 医学院理事会于9月15日批准了第一个章程修正案, 1993, by Dean Johns September 27, 1993, and by President Richardson September 27, 1993. The Council was renamed the Faculty Senate in 2012. 

I. Policies and Functions

  1. The Faculty Senate (hereafter referred to as “Senate”) shall on its own initiative consider matters of concern to the Medical School. The Senate shall report its proposals and recommendations to the President of the University and the Dean of the Medical School, 直接或通过医学院咨询委员会(ABMF).
  2. The Senate shall be informed by the Dean’s Office at an early stage of any proposals affecting the overall policy, long-term objectives, or major commitments of resources of the Medical School originating in the ABMF or the Dean’s Office.
  3. ABMF的议程应包括参议院和众议院提交的项目, likewise, 参议院的议程应包括《全球十大外围足球平台》提及的项目.
  4. 参议院主席和副主席应担任ABMF的成员.
  5. The Chair of the Senate shall serve as a member of the Strategic Operations Committee of Johns Hopkins Medicine.
  6. The Senate shall be informed at an early stage of plans for all standing committees and ad hoc committees of the Medical School, 并可提名个人供院长考虑是否成为其成员.
  7. 参议院可以要求将项目列入所有部门教员会议的议程. The Senate may request that the Dean call special meetings of the faculty or other segments of the academic community and may submit items to the Dean for inclusion in the agenda of those meetings.

II. Composition of the Senate

For the purposes of electing representatives to the Senate, 医学院社区应分为下列选区:

  1.  Departmental Faculty: Those members of each Department who are full-time faculty at any rank or who are part-time faculty at the rank of Professor, Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor shall constitute a separate electorate and shall elect members to the Senate in a proportion of one representative for each 100 members or fraction thereof, up to a maximum of three representatives per Department.
  2. Part-time Instructors: Two members shall be elected by and from those members of the faculty holding the rank of Instructor Part-time.
  3. Other functional unit: At least one member shall be elected from any other functional unit recognized by a majority vote of the Senate. The specific number of members from each functional unit will be determined on a case-by-case basis by a majority vote of the Senate.
  4. House Staff Council: 一名成员由约翰·霍普金斯医院院舍职员委员会选举产生.
  5. Graduate students: 由研究生选举产生一名委员. 
  6. Postdoctoral fellows: One member from the basic sciences and one member from the clinical sciences shall be elected by the Graduate Medical Education Committee.
  7. Medical students: 由医学生选出一名委员.

当新部门(或其他主要职能单位)成立时, or when one currently represented on the Senate is abolished or its functional status is significantly altered, 该事实可由主席或任何参议院成员提请参议院注意. 将根据执行委员会的建议采取适当行动.


III. Election of the Senate

  1. Selection of nominees: In April of each year, a representative of the Senate shall request in writing from each member of each electorate with an upcoming vacancy, two nominations for each post to be filled, to be returned within 10 calendar days. 每一职位获提名人数最多的三人应, with their permission, constitute the list of nominees. No individual shall be affiliated with more than one electorate for the purposes of voting or serving.
  2. Election of members: In May of each year, a representative of the Senate shall send a ballot listing the three nominees to each member of each electorate. Responses must be received within 7 calendar days. 在每个职位中获得最多票数的被提名人将当选.

IV. Terms of the Senate

  1. Terms of office shall be three years for Faculty, and one year for House Staff, Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Fellows and Medical Students. 任期自六月一日起至六月三十日止, 以便新成员和离任成员都能参加六月的会议.
  2. No member may serve more than two consecutive terms. A member elected to two consecutive terms may be re-elected to the Senate after a one term absence from Senate membership.
  3. 在2月的参议院会议之前是否会出现空缺, the unexpired term shall be filled at a special election of the appropriate electorate in the manner described in III. A vacancy in the final year of a term arising at or after the February meeting will not be filled until the next regular election as set forth in III.

V. Officers of the Senate

Officers of the Senate shall be a Chair, a Vice-Chair, and a Secretary, who must be members of the Senate. The Senate shall elect these officers annually by a majority vote by secret ballot at the June meeting. Nominations for these offices shall be made from the floor at the meeting at which the election takes place

  1. Chair: The following are the duties of the Chair:
    1. 主持参议院及其执行委员会会议.
    2. Represent the Senate as a member of the ABMF and Strategic Operations Committee of Johns Hopkins Medicine.
    3. Appoint Committees of the Senate.
    4. Carry out charges placed upon him or her by the Senate.
    5. In general have those responsibilities expected of the Chief Executive Officer of a representative body.
  2. Vice-Chair: The following are the duties of the Vice-Chair:
    1. Assume the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence.
    2. Represent the Senate as a member of the ABMF.
    3. Prepare the agenda for Senate meetings, 在参议院成员的指导和执行委员会的批准下.
  3. Secretary: The following are the duties of the Secretary:
    1. 协助副主席准备参议院会议议程.
    2. Review the minutes of Senate meetings and oversee the distribution of documents and communication to members of the Senate.
    3. 在主席和/或副主席缺席时,承担主席和/或副主席的职责.
  4. The term of office of the Chair, Vice-Chair, 秘书任期为一年,从次年的7月1日起至次年的6月30日止. 每名高级职员均有资格在紧接其后的年度重新当选该职位. The term limit is three consecutive years for each office.
    1. If the Chair’s office is vacated, 副主席成为主席,并以该身份任职至随后的6月30日. 在副主席成为主席后的第一次参议院会议上, 选出一名新的副主席,任期至6月30日. 如副主席于1月1日后接任主席职务, 部分任期不计入三年任期.
    2. If the Vice-Chair’s office is vacated, 秘书成为副主席,并以该身份任职至随后的6月30日. 在秘书成为副主席后的第一次参议院会议上, 选举产生一名新秘书,任期至6月30日. 如秘书于一月一日之后出任副主席, 部分任期不计入三年任期.
    3. If the Secretary’s office is vacated, 选举产生一名新秘书,任期至6月30日 at the first Senate meeting after the office is vacated. If the new Secretary assumes the office after January 1, 部分任期不计入三年任期.

VI. Committees of the Senate

  1. Executive Committee: 执行委员会由主席、副主席和秘书组成. The Executive Committee shall meet as deemed necessary.
  2. The Senate may appoint ad hoc or standing committees as required for the transaction of its business. The chair of a Senate committee must be a Senate member.

VII. Procedures of the Senate

  1. The Senate shall have a budget, an Administrative Assistant, and office space for the Administrative Assistant.
  2. 参议院应在9月至6月期间每月举行一次会议,并应主席的特别要求举行会议. 法定人数为参议院全体议员的三分之一.
  3. 参议院会议应开放给教员、研究员、学院工作人员和学生作为观察员. 参议院经出席参议员多数票通过,可召开非公开会议.
  4. 参议院会议的记录应由一名行政助理记录和准备, 在会议后七天内提交局长审阅, 并在会议后14天内通过电子邮件分发给参议院议员. 经批准的会议记录应供选民查阅.
  5. Upon petition of twenty-five or more of the electorate, 有关项目应列入理事会下次会议的议程.
  6. When a Senate member is unable to attend a meeting, 他或她可以从他或她的选民中任命一名替补担任他或她的职务. When the Senate Chair has been so informed in writing and the Chair has informed the Senate of that fact, 该替代者应享有与任命他的委员相同的特权.
  7. If a Senate member is absent from four consecutive meetings the Chair may call for his or her resignation and another representative from that electorate will be elected.
  8. It is the responsibility of each Senate member to maintain open communications with his or her electorate. Circulation of Senate minutes and the placing of Senate items on the agenda of Departmental meetings are two possible means toward that end.
  9. It is recognized that special circumstances may arise where a provision of this Charter is not applicable or possible. In such circumstances, 经执行委员会建议及参议院全体议员三分之二通过后, appropriate exception may be made.
  10. Robert’s Rules of Order, current edition, 在其适用的所有情况下管辖参议院, 而且它们与参议院的宪章并不矛盾.

VIII. Amendments

Amendments to this Charter must be submitted to the Senate and voted upon at a scheduled Senate meeting. 修正案必须得到出席会议的三分之二成员的批准. 经批准的修正案应提交选民批准. 投票的多数选民将需要获得批准. After approval by the electorate, the revised Charter shall be submitted to the Dean of the School of Medicine and the President of the University.