Early Career Faculty Leadership Series

医学院的教师办公室每年为早期职业教师提供领导力系列.  The goal of the ECFLS is to support faculty at this critical time in their careers and specifically to provide opportunities to (a) develop foundational career and leadership skills; (b) think proactively about their future roles as leaders in academic medicine; (c) build a network of supportive peers and potential collaborators; and (d) develop strategies for maintaining satisfaction, wellness and resilience.


Who May Enroll

任职一年以上不满五年的讲师或助理教授级别的早期教师有资格参加. Participants must be able to attend 8 of the 10 sessions.

What to Expect


Learn from peers and experts using reflection and case-based discussions. 建立和练习谈判、指导、冲突调解和自我推销的技能. Opportunities to build community and network with other early career faculty.

What are Past Participants Saying About the ECLS

The Early Career Faculty Leadership Series helped me develop essential skills, while uncovering old habits that no longer serve me as a medical professional. 我真的很欣赏这种提前安排活动的个性化方式,以确保我的体验最优化. By working with other junior faculty over time, 我从他人身上学习的同时,也有以群体为导向的见解和发人深省的讨论. The curriculum utilizes several essential, 基本的领导概念和技能,可以建立在你的职业生涯. I am more prepared because of an increased sense of emotional intelligence, self-awareness, conflict resolution and adaptability. I am grateful for this program, and I recommend it to any young professional. 
Danielle Mercurio, D.O., F.A.A.P., F.A.C.E.P.
Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital

经过十多年的培训,我加入了约翰霍普金斯大学医学院. In this new role, 我很快就惊讶于我需要戴多少顶帽子,而我所接受的训练太少,以至于无法戴上所有的帽子,这让我相当震惊. ECFLS是一个极好的培训系列,旨在帮助填补关于一般领导原则的培训方面的空白, mentor/mentee relationships, negotiating and communicating effectively, and managing my own career goals. In particular, the series is extraordinarily effective at demystifying the academic promotions process. 我强烈推荐这个系列给那些希望成为更有效和适应性强的导师,并对培养强大的领导技能感兴趣的早期职业教师.
Jonathan B. Coulter, PhD, MHS
Assistant Professor
Department of Urology

早期职业生涯教师领导力系列是一个丰富的机会,它提供了一个全面的课程,培养和磨练了我的领导技能,并为在专业环境中驾驭领导力提供了实用的工具. The curriculum, designed for activated learners with different experience and expertise, provided the opportunity to connect with a diverse cohort of peers within the program. 这种联系和通过师友关系提供的半个性化指导对我制定实现专业目标的路线图和在学术医学领域找到职业机会是有益的.
Kimberly R. Smith, PhD
Assistant Professor
Division of Psychiatric Neuroimaging
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Recurring Session Topics 

Core content includes leadership competencies and skills, values clarification, strategies for career success, navigation professional relationships and organizational savvy, negotiation and conflict mediation skills, mentorship, and interpersonal skills. Yearly themes explore emerging trends in leadership and academic medicine. See recurring topics below.

  • Introduction to Core Leadership Competencies, Rachel Levine, MD, MPH, Kimberly Skarupski, PhD, MPH. 在这一节课中,我们将从广义和专门的角度为初级教师定义领导力. We will review the JHU Leadership Competency Matrix, think about our values and develop our personal mission statement
  • Coaching for Leadership, Rachel Levine, MD, MPH, Kimberly Skarupski, PhD, MPH. 在这节课中,我们将发现教练的力量,以发展你的领导视野和技能. 我们将实践使用指导原则来解决学术界面临的共同挑战,并确定前进的道路.
  • Mapping-Out Your Career, Rachel Levine, MD, MPH, Kimberly Skarupski, PhD, MPH. In this session, we will guide you in the framing of your career goals and objectives, including reflecting on your values and personal mission statement. Identifying specific development gaps and needs. 参与者将在小组中工作,以审查和完善目标和目的,并创建个人发展计划. Strategies and habits for academic life and leadership will be shared.
  • Organizational Savvy, Rachel Levine, MD, MPH, Kimberly Skarupski, PhD, MPH. In this session, we will learn to recognize how institutional strategic priorities, professional relationships, 权力和影响力与你自己的目标保持一致,为你的职业发展和领导机会和晋升创造机会
  • Using and Understanding Your MBTI Personality Type to be More Influential, Kimberly Skarupski, PhD, MPH. In this session, 我们将介绍行为科学的基本理论框架,包括人格和动机风格以及它们如何影响沟通, conflict, and decision-making. The focus is on ‘knowing yourself to better manage yourself and other
  • Making the Most of the Mentee/Mentor and Sponsor Experience, Jennifer Haythornthwaite, PhD. In this session, 您将探索如何将机构战略重点、专业关系、权力和影响力与您自己的目标结合起来,为职业发展、领导机会和晋升创造机会.
  • Negotiation Essentials, Stacey Lee, JD. In this session, 我们将发现如何更有效地谈判,以得到你所需要的,而不会与他人产生冲突或破坏关系? 这个高度互动的研讨会将帮助你“扩大你的蛋糕”,“在不疏远重要关系的情况下获得你的公平份额”. 参与者将理解并应用系统的方法来准备结构, and engaging in a variety of negotiations.
  • Presenting Yourself as a Leader, Steven Cohen, PhD. You’ve worked hard on your presentation - your delivery should do it justice. Captivate your audience with the important information you’ve prepared. In this session, 您将学习以研究为基础的策略,使每个演讲都具有相关性和影响力. 通过动手练习,你将培养你的个人演讲风格,同时磨练你的领导能力和演讲技巧
  • Managing and Mediating Conflict, Kimberly Skarupski, PhD. In this session, 我们将从情商(EQ)的基本要素开始,并使用托马斯-基尔曼模型来理解处理冲突的选择. Participants will practice identifying potential conflicts, resolving, and managing conflict at various levels. 参与者还将接触到变革性冲突调解的基本原理.
  • Knowing Yourself, Valuing Others, Demere Woolway, PhD. In this session, we will discuss how race, class, sexual orientation, gender, national origin, ability, religion, other identities shape our campus experience. 参与者还将考虑如何意识到自己的特权可以帮助一个人支持他人, both here at Hopkins and in the wider world. 与会者将确定我们可以采取的具体步骤,为所有人建立一个友好的教育环境.

Contact [email protected] with any questions or assistance with registration.

Tracie Norman
Program Coordinator
Email: [email protected]

Office of Faculty Development
Johns Hopkins University - School of Medicine