Improving Outcomes and Eliminating Harm

阿姆斯特朗患者安全和质量研究所提供了一个监督的基础设施, 协调并支持约翰·霍普金斯综合医疗保健系统的患者安全和质量工作. Our mission is to eliminate patient harm, 以尽可能低的成本获得最佳的患者治疗效果,并通过我们的研究和培训分享这些知识.

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Other Featured News and Research

Algorithms at the Bedside: Moving Past Development and Validation

Ayse P. Gurses, Ph.D., M.S., and collaborators recently published a report in the Pediatric Critical Care Medicine journal discussing how machine learning could potentially help in the critical care field, 但它的设计和实施必须考虑到临床工作的现实,并采用参与式的以人为本的设计.

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Making a career in patient safety: How I got hooked

In this article, Albert Wu, M.D., 同事们讨论了他们是如何进入患者安全领域的,以及在过去的三十年中,它是如何发展成为一个新的研究和实践领域的, with an increasing number of opportunities to work in research, practice and policy.

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在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间,熟练的家庭卫生保健人员为老年人提供了亲自护理, yet little is known about the pandemic's impact on HH care transition patterns. This publication investigated the pandemic's impact on HH service volume, population characteristics, 以及在医院或专业护理机构出院后接受HH服务的老年人的护理过渡模式.

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In this study, Samantha Pitts, M.D., M.P.H., 和同事利用对药房工作人员的定性访谈来解决以下问题:当处方者使用CancelRx进行药物改变时, 药学人员在药物管理工作中需要哪些信息才能做出正确有效的决策?

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In this study, Christina T. Yuan, Ph.D., M.P.H., Jill Marsteller, Ph.D., M.P.P., and colleagues 研究两个卫生系统在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间实施医院事件指挥系统时如何优先考虑公平性,并确定影响实施的因素.

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The Role for Policy in AI-Assisted Medical Diagnosis

In this paper, David Newman-Toker, M.D., Ph.D., 和同事讨论医疗机构如何迅速采用ChatGPT (OpenAI), 许多人现在认为,人工智能将迅速改变医疗实践. Chatbots are already helping to redesign the medical workflow, schedule appointments and even answer routine patient questions, 但这些新技术在改善医疗诊断方面的作用仍然是一个悬而未决的问题.

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Our Patient Safety and Quality Projects

The Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality leads regional, national and international projects that reduce preventable harm, improve patient and clinical outcomes, and decrease health care costs. We apply a scientific approach to improvement, 采用可广泛传播和持续的有力措施和严格的数据收集方法.

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"Never Again”

Sharing his personal story of how a medical error severely impacted his life, C. Michael Armstrong, past chairman of the board of trustees of Johns Hopkins Medicine, 解释了他致力于改善医疗保健和创建阿姆斯特朗患者安全和质量研究所的原因.

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The Power of Giving!

我们的目标是消除对患者的可预防伤害,并以尽可能低的成本实现最佳的患者结果, and then to share knowledge of how to achieve this goal with the world.阿姆斯特朗研究所的研究和改进项目通过减少医疗差错和并发症直接使患者受益, improving clinical outcomes, and delivering care that treats patients with the dignity and respect that they deserve.

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