
用于有先天性心脏缺陷的儿童, 心导管置入术为微创治疗提供了更多的机会,减少了恢复时间. The interventional cardiology team at Johns Hopkins All Children’s 心脏研究所 in St. 佛罗里达州彼得堡,在我们最先进的心导管实验室进行这些手术.

Cardiac catheterization can be used to both diagnose 和 treat congenital heart defects, 哪些是出生时就有的条件. 介入心脏病专家指导了一个长, 称为导管的细管通过血管(通常通过腹股沟区域的小切口), 颈部或手腕), 利用成像技术引导导管.

This allows the cardiologist to measure things like blood pressure, 氧含量和血流量, 检查心脏的结构, 和 to treat a range of congenital heart defects.


介入小组包括医生, 麻醉医师, 注册心血管侵入专家, 高级护理提供者, nurse practitioners 和 nurses who specialize in the care of children with heart defects.

心导管实验室位于心脏手术室和心血管重症监护病房(CVICU)旁边。, 在心脏护理和重症医学方面都有专业知识的医生在哪里为我们的推荐十大正规网赌平台提供护理. 介入小组与我们的 心脏手术CVICU teams to provide our patients with comprehensive care from diagnosis through follow-up.

该团队还擅长与成人先天性心脏病(ACHD)项目一起治疗成人先天性心脏缺陷. 成人先天性心脏缺陷受益于监测和治疗心脏病专家与先天性问题的专业知识. 了解更多关于ACHD项目的信息.


技术的进步使我们能够使用心导管术来修复先天性心脏缺陷,这些缺陷以前需要心内直视手术,但现在可以使用这种微创方法来修复. 约翰霍普金斯所有儿童介入心脏病学团队在使用最新设备治疗所有年龄段患者的心脏缺陷方面具有特殊的专业知识, 从早产儿到成年人.

The interventional cardiology program is led by 詹姆斯·汤普森,M.D., 谁执行过超过1的器械关闭,600年的缺陷, 如房间隔缺损(ASD), ventricular septal defects (VSD) 和 patent foramen ovale (PFO), 在心里. He serves as an industry proctor 和 teaches other physicians how to close these defects, 他正在领导一项新设备的研究,该设备可以关闭心脏上的孔洞,使用更少的外来物质.

在儿童, 心导管插入术通常用于治疗那些可能已经接受过一次或多次心脏缺陷手术的患者. 使用心导管通常会减少患者一生中需要进行的手术总数.

因为导管插入术需要做一个小切口来引导导管穿过血管, 恢复时间一般较短. Children are often able to go home the next day or even the same day as the procedure, 并在几天内恢复正常活动.

Cardiac Catheterization Procedures We Perform Include:


用于有先天性心脏缺陷的儿童, their condition may cause blood vessels (veins or arteries) to become narrow. 我们用导管插入一个非常小的气球,气球会膨胀,打开受影响的血管,改善血液流动. 对一些孩子来说, the inflation of the balloon may not be enough to open the blood vessel, 因此,我们将在狭窄的血管内放置一个小金属管,称为支架,以保持血管畅通.


在某些情况下, 气囊房间隔造口术是对新生儿进行的,以帮助改善血液流动,然后才能进行手术来纠正他们的先天性心脏缺陷. The heart has a naturally occurring hole between the upper chambers of the heart. 气囊房间隔造口术用于扩大这个洞,这样来自心脏两侧的血液就可以混合在一起, so that more oxygen-rich blood travels throughout the baby’s body, 为手术做准备.


Some congenital heart defects like aortic valve stenosis cause narrowing of the heart valves, 在正常运作的情况下,血液流经心脏的四个腔室,流向身体的其他部位. 球囊瓣膜成形术 is used to open a narrow heart valve, improving blood flow.

Device closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)

动脉导管未闭(PDA)是一种允许胎儿在出生前将血液直接送回胎盘从母亲那里获取氧气的动脉(动脉导管), 出生后不能合拢. It typically closes after birth to allow blood flow directly from the heart to the lungs. 当这种情况发生时, 含氧血液直接返回肺部,而不是在身体的其他部位循环, 哪一种会导致心脏和肺部更加努力地工作 和 creates difficulty breathing. Using a catheter, a small device is inserted to close the duct.

PDA most often affects babies who are born prematurely. 我们在使用fda批准的Amplatzer Piccolo闭塞器治疗早产儿PDA方面具有特殊的专业知识. 使用导管插入Piccolo可以让我们关闭它,改善1.5磅小婴儿的血液流动,而无需手术. It is usually done within the first few weeks of life, 有证据表明,与之前对早产儿进行的PDA手术修复相比,婴儿从这种手术中恢复得更快. Dr. Thompson是使用最先进的心导管方法和技术治疗早产儿PDA的国家领导者和早期采用者, 和 also teaches other physicians how to use this technology.


患有房间隔缺损(ASD)的儿童的心脏在两个上腔之间的壁上有一个洞. Sometimes the hole may be small enough that it will close on its own 和 only require monitoring, but larger holes allow too much blood to flow from the left atrium into the right, 导致心脏不得不更加努力地工作. We use cardiac catheterization to insert a device to close the hole, 改善血液流动和心脏功能.

Device closure of ventricular septal defects (VSD)

室间隔缺损是指患者在心脏两个下腔之间的壁上有一个洞. This allows blood to flow from the left ventricle into the right 和 directly back into the lungs, 哪一种会导致心脏和肺部更加努力地工作. Sometimes the hole may be small 和 close on its own 和 only require monitoring. Larger holes may be closed with a device inserted with catheterization.


卵圆孔是两个上腔之间的开口,所有未出生的婴儿都有. The opening allows blood flow before birth to bypass the lungs, so the heart doesn’t have to work as hard while the baby is developing. The opening usually closes naturally within the first year of life. When it does not close this is called a patent foramen ovale (PFO). Many children with PFO may not experience symptoms or require treatment. 在某些情况下, PFO可能会导致呼吸问题,并可能成为未来中风或心脏病的风险因素. 我们为需要治疗PFO的儿童提供使用心导管的装置闭合.


经导管肺动脉瓣置换术, 我们使用一种叫做梅洛迪瓣膜的设备或者爱德华兹Sapien瓣膜来治疗患有先天性心脏瓣膜缺陷的儿童. The pulmonary valve is one of the four valves of the heart that regulates blood flow. Defects of the pulmonary valve interrupt blood flow from the heart to the lungs. 患有这些疾病的儿童最初通常需要一次或多次手术来修复缺陷,并且在他们的一生中需要定期治疗来更换瓣膜, as they may leak or become obstructed over time. 心导管插入术可以让我们在孩子的一生中不需要手术就可以更换孩子的瓣膜,这通常会减少手术,从而减少心脏的压力.


For more information or to make an appointment, please give us a call at the phone number below. We serve families in the 坦帕 Bay area 和 beyond.


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