
Hopkins Community Connection serves nearly 4,000 families a year.

Published in Community Health - Community Health Stories

Every month, 霍普金斯社区连接项目协调员Joy Scalabrin开车去ShareBaby, 该组织为巴尔的摩各地的家庭提供尿布和其他与婴儿有关的物品. 斯卡拉布林把数以千计的尿布和用品塞进她的小SUV里,分发给社区, 确保约翰霍普金斯医学院的推荐十大正规网赌平台有必要照顾他们的家人.

“我们与ShareBaby的合作使我们能够满足患者和家庭的迫切需求,” says Kristin Topel, Hopkins Community Connection’s executive director. “When we ask our families if they have enough food to eat, diapers for their child, or transportation to important appointments, it’s vital we have the resources to connect them to at that time. 像这样的合作帮助我们创建了一个值得信赖和安全的医疗组织,支持整个家庭的健康.”

霍普金斯社区连接(HCC)已经成为约翰霍普金斯医学院的一部分超过15年. Formerly called Health Leads, 该组织驻扎在约翰霍普金斯大学的诊所和附属门诊地点, including the Harriet Lane Clinic, East Baltimore Medical Center, Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center, 以及约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心的综合护理实践和儿童医疗实践. HCC has a desk at each site, 150名约翰·霍普金斯大学的大学生志愿者和社区卫生工作者为患者筛查健康的社会决定因素.

“This screening is just as important as height and weight,” Topel says. “我们会找出推荐十大正规网赌平台想要的资源,并通过转诊过程为他们提供支持. 志愿者每周跟进,帮助患者了解社区项目的要求和后勤安排. We’re providing whole-person health care.”

HCC serves nearly 4,通过赠款以及约翰霍普金斯大学及其附属门诊诊所的财政支持,每年为1000个家庭提供资助. 通过与ShareBaby等组织的合作,HCC可以为患者提供有形的物品. 这种帮助通常使患者更有可能继续治疗HCC.

Valencia Hike, ShareBaby’s program director, 该组织为整个巴尔的摩市的家庭提供婴儿必需品. 尿布和其他必需品是通过公共和私人赠款购买和收集的, corporate and individual donations, and community drives.

“我们发现尿布对我们的家庭来说是一笔很大的开支,”Hike说. “如果我们能帮助他们把这些收入重新投入家庭,他们就能支付其他必需品.”

Hike says HCC has been an extremely reliable affiliate, and it has been a joy to work with the HCC team.

“能够伸出手来,知道他们会做出回应,这很好,”Hike说. “我们可以全心全意地依靠他们把必需品送到家庭手中.”

Scalabrin最初是一名肝癌志愿者,现在在东巴尔的摩医疗中心工作. She says that if a patient expresses that they need diapers, HCC can provide 50 diapers per month in packs of 25 per patient.

斯卡拉布林说:“这是一个推荐十大正规网赌平台知道他们可以定期来这里并得到帮助的地方。. “这是一个与邻国建立关系的机会,可以帮助人们更容易地获得资源. 我们正在创造一个让人们在复杂的资源和流程中寻求帮助时感到舒适的空间.”

HCC病例经理Isabel abunza说,向家庭提供尿布和其他必需品肯定对她的推荐十大正规网赌平台有帮助.

“我和拉丁裔社区一起工作,因为我们所在的地方,”阿本扎说. “Most patients speak Spanish. 我看到我们的推荐十大正规网赌平台在我们的诊所里相互联系,相互支持. We get a lot of referrals that way.”

Rama Imad, HCC’s program coordinator at the Harriet Lane Clinic, says she’s grateful that HCC can provide essentials like diapers, formula, winter coats and feminine products.

“看到我们能够与组织合作,互相关心,这很令人兴奋,” Imad says. “我们正在确保所有患者都能满足他们的社会需求,并能公平地获得他们有资格获得的所有资源.”


“I’ve gotten to know our patients and their stories,” Imad says. “They are dealing with life, just like the rest of us. It makes me look at the system differently, and encourages me to try to change it, so it works for everyone.”

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