Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy Services

Stained Glass Window Pastoral Care

精神护理和牧师部为推荐十大正规网赌平台提供精神护理和情感支持, their loved ones, 约翰霍普金斯霍华德县医疗中心(JHHCMC), 包括所有具有不同宗教或非宗教背景的人.

处理医疗问题有时会让人感到挑战、压力,甚至是压倒性的. 许多人发现与牧师交谈很有帮助,因为患者和护理人员通常会经历各种各样的想法, feelings, and reactions.


Contact Us

To speak with a chaplain, call 410-740-7898 (or x7898), or ask your care team members.

From 8 a.m. to 12 a.m. midnight, you may call our office directly at 410-740-7898. 午夜后如有紧急情况,请拨打总医院电话 410-740-7890 and ask for the Chaplain on-call. 精神关怀服务24小时为您和您所爱的人服务.

You may email us at [email protected].


The hospital Chapel, located on the first floor, is open 24 hours as a multi-faith space for prayer, meditation, and reflection.

Partnerships and Programs

Contact Information

For further information on our services, 询问询问信息或安排访问或咨询, please call the department at 410-740-7898 or email [email protected].

Our mailing address is:
Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center
Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy Department
5755 Cedar Lane
Columbia, MD 21044