

在性健康和生殖健康方面, it can be hard to know what's "normal" 和 what may be a sign of a potential health problem. 即使你对某些问题感到尴尬, your gynecologist has seen 和 heard it all 和 is there to help you, 不要妄加评判.

Here are seven things you should always discuss with your gynecologist:

  1. 痛苦的时期

    对许多女性来说,来月经是一段不愉快的时光. Cramps, breast soreness 和 headaches are just a few of the most common menstruation symptoms. But for some women, period pain goes beyond cramps 和 can be incredibly severe. If your periods are very painful or have been getting worse over time, it can be a sign of 子宫内膜异位 or 子宫肌瘤. If you are experiencing period symptoms that disrupt your ability to do everyday tasks, 和你的医生谈谈是很重要的. There are several options which can help make these conditions less severe or more manageable.

  2. 阴道的气味

    虽然阴道气味可能是一个令人不舒服的话题, it's important to talk to your doctor if there is a foul or fishy smell, or if there's a change from your normal smell that seems to be lasting for a few days. 虽然有气味是正常的, any changes or foul smells may be a sign of bacterial overgrowth or vaginal infection.

  3. “下面”有肿胀、肿块或生长

    Noticing a growth in your vagina or around your labia can seem worrisome. Is it an ingrown hair, a pimple, a cut from shaving or possibly something more concerning? 肿块通常是良性的, but it's important to have your doctor perform an examination when you feel something. 生殖器疣可能在一段时间内可见, 但是疱疹损伤可以在7到14天内愈合, making it important to be seen when the outbreak is occurring.

  4. 性不适

    It's very important to talk to your doctor about sexual discomfort. 提起这件事你可能会觉得不舒服, but your gynecologist can help explain 和 treat your concerns.

    阴道干涩: 许多女性在性交时阴道干涩. Dryness can often be dependent on a woman's age 和 mitigating factors in her life. If a younger woman has this issue 和 has been on birth control for a long time, 可能没有足够的雌激素, 她可能需要更换避孕措施. 对于一个忙碌的妈妈来说, she may not be taking enough time to engage in foreplay 和 arousal before sex, 导致干燥. 如果一个女人是绝经后,有干燥, 这可能是由于雌激素水平低, 她的妇科医生可以给她开阴道雌激素.

    性交时疼痛: 如果你在做爱时感到疼痛, try different positions to find one where you feel comfortable. If you're having pain with intercourse in any position you try, lubricants do not help with vaginal dryness or you have bleeding after intercourse, 你应该向你的医生寻求建议.

  5. 性史

    Women often worry that their gynecologist is judging them if they ask how many partners they've had, 他们第一次发生性行为时多大, 如果他们有的话 性传播疾病,或者关于性取向和性别认同. 这些话题的出现有几个重要的原因:

    确定风险因素 宫颈发育不良和HPV感染. Having intercourse younger than 18 can sometimes make you more susceptible to HPV because the cervical-vaginal junction is more pronounced when you're younger. Having more partners can also increase the potential for exposure.

    讨论过去性传播疾病的潜在后果. 一些性传播疾病会增加 不孕不育, 和 physicians may need to provide appropriate counseling if that situation arises. 对于某些性传播疾病,比如疱疹, 这是一种终生的疾病, your provider can provide counseling about what to do if you experience outbreaks or other associated symptoms in the future.

    To ensure that a patient is receiving the best possible care. Though LGBT communities are diverse, research shows that there are certain health concerns among 女同性恋和双性恋女性 和 变性人 that are important for LGBT individuals 和 health care providers to be aware of. Learn more about where to find knowledgeable, supportive 和 compassionate providers.

  6. 尿或粪便渗漏

    经历 尿 or 粪便 incontinence can be very stressful 和 take a toll on your quality of life. Many women will experience these symptoms after childbirth, particularly if they had a large baby or a vaginal delivery requiring forceps or a vacuum. 当女性进入更年期时,这些症状可能会恶化. 取决于尿失禁的性质, there may be medical or surgical management options available. 和你的妇科医生谈谈, she or he can determine the proper treatment protocols 和 refer you to a 盆底紊乱专家 如果有必要的话.

  7. 性欲低下

    While having a low libido is more common than many women realize, it's important to speak with your gynecologist to discover the cause of your concern. 性欲有时会受到你服用的药物的影响, or it may be a sign of an underlying medical condition or a side effect of a known condition. In these situations, your gynecologist can determine what medical interventions may be necessary.

    对于其他女性来说, 虽然, their low libido may be related to the nature of female sexuality — sometimes, your desire to have sex or be intimate can be affected by things outside of your control, 比如压力或工作. Women in long-term relationships are also less likely to be spontaneously aroused compared to the early stages of their relationship.

    在这种情况下, your gynecologist can make recommendations to help you naturally increase your libido 和/or refer you to an appropriate counselor. More frequent intercourse may increase how frequently you will want to have sex because of the endorphins released during intercourse, 让你对你的伴侣感觉更亲密.



One of the best things you can do to protect 和 improve your health is to stay informed. 你的健康 是一个免费的电子通讯,作为你的智慧, simple connection to the world-class expertise of Johns Hopkins.


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