woman receiving a mammogram
woman receiving a mammogram
woman receiving a mammogram

Mammogram Procedure

What is a mammogram?

A mammogram is an X-ray examination of the breast. 它用于检测和诊断患有乳房疾病的妇女的乳房疾病, such as a lump, pain, or nipple discharge, as well as for women who have no breast complaints. The procedure allows detection of breast cancers , 在触诊(触摸)检测到良性肿瘤和囊肿之前.

Mammography cannot prove that an abnormal area is cancer, but if it raises a significant suspicion of cancer, tissue will be removed for a biopsy . 组织可以用针或开放式手术活检去除,并在显微镜下检查,以确定它是否是癌症.

Mammography has been used for about 30 years, 在过去的15年里,技术的进步极大地改善了技术和结果. Today, dedicated equipment, used only for breast X-rays, produces studies that are high in quality, but low in radiation dose. Radiation risks are considered to be negligible.

llustration of the anatomy of the female breast, front view

数字乳房x线摄影技术的发展使乳房成像得到改善, in particular, for women less than 50 years of age, women with dense breast tissue, and women who are premenopausal or perimenopausal. 数字乳房x线照相术提供了可以通过计算机技术增强的乳房电子图像, stored on computers, 在需要远程访问乳房x光检查的情况下,甚至可以通过电子方式传输. 数字乳房x光检查的程序基本上与标准乳房x光检查相同.

With computer-aided detection (CAD) systems, 从传统胶片乳房x光片或数字获得的乳房x光片的数字化乳房x光图像进行肿块分析, calcifications, 或者密度异常的区域可能表明癌症的存在. 图像由CAD系统突出显示,供放射科医生进一步分析.

Illustration of the anatomy of the female breast, side view

What are the different types of mammograms?

According to the National Cancer Institute:

  • Screening mammogram. 筛查性乳房x光检查是一种乳房x光检查,用于检测没有乳腺癌体征或症状的妇女的乳房变化. It usually involves 2 X-rays of each breast. 使用乳房x光检查,可以检测到无法感觉到的肿瘤.

  • Diagnostic mammogram. 诊断性乳房x光片是用于诊断乳房异常变化的乳房x光片, such as a lump, pain, nipple thickening or discharge, or a change in breast size or shape. 诊断性乳房x光检查也用于评估筛查性乳房x光检查中发现的异常. 它是一种基本的医疗工具,适用于乳房变化的检查, regardless of a woman's age.

What is an X-ray?

X-rays 使用不可见的电磁能量束来产生内部组织的图像, bones, and organs on film. 进行标准x光检查有很多原因,包括诊断肿瘤或骨损伤.

x射线是利用外部辐射产生人体图像的, its organs, and other internal structures for diagnostic purposes. x射线穿过人体结构,照射到经过特殊处理的底片上(类似于照相机的胶片),就能拍出“负片”式的照片(结构越坚固), the whiter it appears on the film).

Seminar 乳房放射科医生的观点:筛查乳房x光摄影和诊断成像


Anatomy of the breasts

每个乳房有15到20个被称为叶的部分,它们是排列好的 like the petals of a daisy. Each lobe has many smaller lobules, which end in dozens of tiny bulbs that can produce milk.

The lobes, lobules, and bulbs are all linked by thin tubes called ducts. These ducts lead to the nipple in the center of a dark area of skin called the areola. Fat fills the spaces between lobules and ducts.

乳房里没有肌肉,但每个乳房下面都有肌肉 and cover the ribs.

每个乳房也包含血管和携带淋巴的血管. 淋巴管通向小的豆状器官,称为淋巴结, 腋下,锁骨上方,以及 the chest, as well as in many other parts of the body.

What are the reasons for a mammogram?

Mammography may be used either for screening or to make a diagnosis. 30岁以上的女性如果有以下症状,应接受诊断性乳房x光检查 have symptoms, such as a palpable lump, breast skin thickening or indentation, nipple discharge or retraction, erosive sore of the nipple, or breast pain.

A mammogram may be used to evaluate breast pain when physical examination and history are not conclusive. Women with breasts that are 致密、“肿块”和/或非常大的肿块可以用乳房x光检查筛查,如 physical examination may be difficult to perform.

Women who are at high risk for breast cancer or with a history of breast cancer may be routinely screened with mammography.

您的医疗保健提供者可能有其他原因建议您使用 mammography.

Who should get a screening mammogram?

Different health experts have different recommendations for mammography. The following screening guidelines are for early detection of cancer in women who have no symptoms:

  • The American College of Radiology (ACR) and the Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) recommend that women get yearly mammograms starting at age 40. The Johns Hopkins Radiology and Radiological Science breast imaging section supports the ACR and SBI recommendation and encourage women to discuss their individual screening options with their doctor. 

  • In May 2023, the U.S. 预防服务工作组(USPSTF)更新了开始乳腺癌的建议 screening at age 40.

  • Women who are at an increased risk (family history, genetic tendency, past breast cancer) should talk with their health care providers about the benefits and limitations of starting mammography screening earlier, having additional tests (breast ultrasound, MRI), or having more frequent exams.

女性应该和她们的医疗保健提供者谈谈她们的个人问题 risk factors before making a decision about when to start getting mammograms or how often they should get them. Consult your health care 提供者关于筛选指南是适合的 you.

What are the risks of a mammogram?

You may want to ask your health care provider about the amount of radiation used during the procedure and the risks related to your particular situation. It is a good idea to keep a record of your past 辐射暴露史,如以前的扫描和其他类型 of X-rays, so that you can inform your health care provider. Risks 与辐射照射有关的可累积性 x光检查和/或长期治疗的次数 time.

If you are pregnant or suspect that you may be pregnant, you should notify your health care provider. Radiation exposure during pregnancy may lead to birth defects. If it is necessary for you to have a 在做乳房x光检查时,会采取特别的预防措施,尽量减少辐射 exposure to the fetus.

当乳房紧贴乳房时,可能会感到一些不适 X-ray plate during the procedure. This compression will not harm the breast, however.

根据您的具体医疗状况,可能会有其他风险. 请务必与您的医疗保健提供者讨论任何问题之前 the procedure.

Certain factors or conditions may interfere with a mammogram. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Talcum powder, deodorant, creams, or lotions applied under the arms or on the breasts

  • Breast implants, as they may prevent complete visualization of the breast. If you have breast implants, be sure to tell your mammography facility that you have them when you make your appointment. You will need an X-ray technologist who is trained in working with patients with implants. This is important because breast implants can hide some breast tissue, which could make it difficult for the radiologist to see breast cancer when looking at your mammogram images.

  • Previous breast surgery

  • Hormonal breast changes

Let’s Talk Mammograms

每年一次的乳房x光检查是早期发现乳腺癌的最佳工具. Hear women talk about the importance of breast screening, 他们会告诉其他可能对安排乳房x光检查犹豫不决的女性什么.

How do I prepare for a mammogram?

SCHEDULING : Breasts can be tender the week before and during menstruation, 所以,试着把你的乳房x光检查安排在月经开始后的一到两周. 如果您做了隆胸手术,请在安排检查时间时通知诊所.

PRECAUTIONS : If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, please check with your doctor before scheduling the exam. Other options will be discussed with you and your doctor.

BREASTFEEDING 如果您目前正在哺乳,请通知技术人员.

PERSONAL HYGIENE 考试当天不要使用任何除臭剂、爽身粉、乳液或香水.

CLOTHING 你必须脱掉腰部以上的衣服,换上病号服. A locker will be provided to secure your personal belongings. 请摘下所有的穿孔,并将所有珠宝和贵重物品留在家中.


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