


磁共振成像(MRI)是一种使用大型磁铁组合的诊断检查, 无线电波和电脑可以产生人体器官和结构的详细图像.


How does an MRI work?

The MRI machine is a large, cylindrical (tube-shaped) machine that creates 推荐十大正规网赌平台周围有很强的磁场. 磁场,以及 radio waves, alters the hydrogen atoms' natural alignment in the body. Computers are then used to form a two-dimensional (2D) image of a body 以氢原子活性为基础的结构或器官. 可以获得横断面视图以显示进一步的细节. MRI does not use radiation.

A magnetic field is created and pulses of radio waves are sent from a scanner. 无线电波把你体内的原子核敲出来 their normal position. 当原子核重新排列到合适的位置时,它们 send out radio signals. 这些信号被一台计算机接收 analyzes and converts them into an image of the part of the body being examined. 此图像出现在观看监视器上. Some MRI machines look 比如狭窄的隧道,而另一些则更宽敞或更宽.

 Picture of Breast MRI

How does a breast MRI work?

For a breast MRI, 这个女人通常脸朝下躺着, 她的胸部从桌子的开口中伸出来. 以便检查乳房的位置, 技术人员通过窗户观察核磁共振成像,同时监测任何潜在的运动.

乳房核磁共振成像通常需要在手术前或过程中使用注射到手臂静脉的造影剂. The dye may help create clearer images that outline abnormalities more easily.

MRI, used with mammography and breast ultrasound, can be a useful diagnostic tool. 最近的研究发现,核磁共振成像可以定位一些乳房小病变,有时被乳房x光检查遗漏. 它还可以帮助乳房植入的女性和乳房组织致密的年轻女性检测乳腺癌. 乳房x光检查在这些病例中可能没有那么有效. 因为核磁共振不使用辐射, 它们可以用于筛查40岁以下的女性,并增加每年乳腺癌高风险女性的筛查次数.

尽管它比乳房x光检查有明显的优势,但乳房MRI也有潜在的局限性. For example, it is not always able to distinguish the difference between cancerous abnormalities, 这可能会导致不必要的乳房活检. 这通常被称为“假阳性”测试结果. 最近的研究表明,使用商业上可用的软件程序来增强乳房MRI扫描可以减少恶性肿瘤假阳性结果的数量. Thus, the need for biopsies may decrease with computer-aided enhancement.



美国癌症协会(American Cancer Society)最新的指导方针包括对某些高危女性进行核磁共振成像和乳房x光检查. 以下情况应考虑此选项:

  • 女性携带BRCA1或BRCA2突变(BRCA1是一种基因), which, when altered, 表明他对癌症有遗传易感性. BRCA2 is a gene, which, when altered, indicates an inherited susceptibility to breast and/or ovarian cancer.)

  • 有一级亲属(母亲)的妇女, sister, 和/或女儿)BRCA1或BRCA2突变, 如果他们还没有进行基因突变检测

  • Women with a 20% to 25% or greater lifetime risk of breast cancer, 基于几种公认的风险评估工具中的一种,这些工具考察了家族史和其他因素

  • Women who have had radiation treatment to the chest between the ages of 10 and 30, 比如治疗何杰金氏病

  • 患有遗传疾病Li-Fraumeni综合征的女性, Cowden syndrome, or Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome; or those who have a first degree relative with the syndrome


  • 进一步评估异常检测 mammography

  • Finding early breast cancers 未被其他检查发现,特别是在高危妇女和乳腺组织致密的妇女中

  • 对有植入物或疤痕组织的妇女进行的癌症检查,可能产生不准确的乳房x光检查结果. This test can also be helpful for women with lumpectomy scars to check for any changes.

  • 检测乳房x光检查没有发现的小异常 ultrasound (for example, MRI has been useful for women who have breast cancer cells present in an underarm lymph node, but do not have a lump that can be felt or can be viewed on diagnostic studies)

  • 评估硅胶植入物是否渗漏

  • 评估乳腺癌病变的大小和准确位置, 包括乳房多个区域可能受累的可能性(这有助于癌症扩散并累及多个区域)

  • Determining whether lumpectomy or mastectomy would be more effective

  • 检测未确诊为乳腺癌的另一侧乳房的变化(患有乳腺癌的女性大约有10%的几率在另一侧乳房发展为癌症). 最近的一项研究表明,乳房MRI可以检测到在第一次乳腺癌诊断时可能被遗漏的对侧乳房的癌症.)

  • 检测到乳腺癌扩散到胸壁,这可能会改变治疗方案

  • Detection of breast cancer recurrence or residual tumor after lumpectomy

  • 新乳头内翻改变的评价

There may be other reasons for your health care provider to recommend breast MRI.


由于不使用辐射,在核磁共振成像过程中没有暴露于辐射的风险. Each patient must be screened before exposure to the MRI magnetic field.

由于使用了强力磁铁, 对装有某些植入装置(如心脏起搏器或人工耳蜗)的推荐十大正规网赌平台进行核磁共振检查时,必须采取特殊的预防措施. The MRI technologist will need some information regarding the implanted device, 比如品牌和型号, 来决定你做核磁共振是否安全. 有内部金属物体的推荐十大正规网赌平台, such as surgical clips, plates, screws or wire mesh, 可能不适合做核磁共振检查.

如果你有幽闭恐惧症的可能性,那么你必须要求你的医生为你提供抗焦虑药物,你可以在核磁共振检查之前服用. 之后你应该安排人开车送你回家.

如果你怀孕了或怀疑你可能怀孕了,你应该通知你的医疗保健提供者. To date there is no information indicating that MRI is harmful to an unborn child, 然而,不鼓励在妊娠早期进行核磁共振检查.

在一些核磁共振检查中,医生可能会要求使用造影剂,以便放射科医生在完成的图像上更好地观察内部组织和血管. 如果使用对比剂,有过敏反应的风险. 对造影剂或碘过敏或敏感的患者应通知放射科医生或技师.

There may be other risks depending on your specific medical condition. Be sure to discuss any concerns with your health care provider prior to the procedure.


EAT/DRINK 你可以像往常一样吃、喝、吃药.

CLOTHING : You must completely change into a patient gown and lock up all personal belongings. 我们将提供一个储物柜供您使用. Please remove all piercings and leave all jewelry and valuables at home.

WHAT TO EXPECT : Imaging takes place inside of a large tube-like structure, open on both ends. 为了获得高质量的图像,你必须完全静止不动. Due to the loud noise of the MRI machine, earplugs are required and will be provided.

ALLERGY : If you have had an allergic reaction to contrast that required medical treatment, contact your ordering physician to obtain the recommended prescription. You will likely take this by mouth 24, 12 and two hours prior to examination.

ANTI-ANXIETY MEDICATION 如果你因为幽闭恐惧症而需要抗焦虑药物, 联系你的处方医生. 请注意,你还需要别人开车送你回家.

强磁环境 : If you have metal within your body that was not disclosed prior to your appointment, your study may be delayed, rescheduled or cancelled upon your arrival until further information can be obtained.


当你打电话预约的时候, it is extremely important that you inform if any of the following apply to you:

  • 你装了心脏起搏器或者换了心脏瓣膜

  • 你有任何类型的植入式泵,比如胰岛素泵

  • You have metal plates, pins, metal implants, surgical staples or aneurysm clips

  • 你怀孕了,或者觉得自己可能怀孕了

  • You have any body piercing

  • 你戴着药物贴片

  • 你有永久的眼线或纹身

  • 你有过枪伤吗

  • You have ever worked with metal (for example, a metal grinder or welder)

  • 你身体各处都有金属碎片

  • 你不能躺下30到60分钟.


MRI may be performed on an outpatient basis or as part of your stay in a hospital. Procedures may vary depending on your condition and your doctor's practices.


  1. 你会被要求脱掉衣服, jewelry, eyeglasses, hearing aids, hairpins, removable dental work, 或其他可能干扰该过程的对象.

  2. If you are asked to remove clothing, you will be given a gown to wear.

  3. 如果你要做对比手术, 在手上或手臂上开始静脉注射造影剂.

  4. 你将躺在扫描台上,扫描台上滑进扫描机的一个大的圆形开口. Pillows and straps may be used to prevent movement during the procedure.

  5. The technologist will be in another room where the scanner controls are located. However, you will be in constant sight of the technologist through a window. Speakers inside the scanner will enable the technologist to communicate with and hear you. 你会有一个交流球,这样你就可以让技术人员知道你在手术过程中有任何问题. The technologist will be watching you at all times and will be in constant communication.

  6. 医生会给你戴上耳塞或耳机,帮助你屏蔽扫描仪发出的噪音. 有些耳机可能会提供音乐供您收听.

  7. 扫描过程中, 当产生磁场和从扫描仪发出无线电波脉冲时,会发出咔嗒声.

  8. It will be important for you to remain very still during the examination, as any movement could cause distortion and affect the quality of the scan.

  9. At intervals, 你可能会被指示屏住呼吸, or to not breathe, for a few seconds, 取决于被检查的身体部位. 然后你会被告知何时可以呼吸. You should not have to hold your breath for longer than a few seconds.

  10. 如果你的手术使用了造影剂, you may feel some effects when the dye is injected into the IV line. These effects include a flushing sensation or a feeling of coldness, 咸味:口中的咸味或金属味, a brief headache, itching, or nausea and/or vomiting. 这些影响通常会持续几分钟.

  11. You should notify the technologist if you feel any breathing difficulties, sweating, numbness, or heart palpitations.

  12. Once the scan is complete, the table will slide out of the scanner and you will be assisted off the table.

  13. If an IV line was inserted for contrast administration, the line will be removed.

而核磁共振成像本身不会引起疼痛, having to lie still for the length of the procedure might cause some discomfort or pain, particularly in the case of a recent injury or invasive procedure such as surgery. 技术人员将使用所有可能的舒适措施,并尽快完成手术,以尽量减少任何不适或疼痛.



如果在手术过程中使用了镇静剂, 你可能需要休息,直到镇定剂消失. 你还需要避免开车.

如果你在手术过程中使用了对比剂, you may be monitored for a period of time for any side effects or reactions to the contrast, such as itching, swelling, rash, or difficulty breathing.

If you notice any pain, redness, and/or swelling at the IV site after you return home following your procedure, 你应该通知你的医疗保健提供者, 因为这可能表明感染或其他类型的反应.


Generally, there is no special type of care required after a breast MRI scan. 你可以恢复正常的饮食和活动, 除非你的医疗保健提供者给你不同的建议.

您的医疗保健提供者可能会在手术后给您额外的或替代的指示, 这取决于你的具体情况.

Seminar A Breast Radiologist’s Perspective: Screening Mammography and Diagnostic Imaging


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