Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) in Children


尿路感染是排泄系统部分的炎症. It’s caused by bacteria. The urinary tract includes the 2 kidneys. 它们以尿液的形式清除血液中的液体废物. 狭窄的管道(输尿管)将尿液从肾脏输送到膀胱. Urine is stored in the bladder. When the bladder is emptied, 尿液通过一个叫做尿道的管道排出体外. Bacteria can infect any part of this system.

What causes a UTI in a child?

正常的尿液含有水、盐和废物. 它没有细菌、病毒和真菌等细菌. 细菌进入尿道就会引起感染, travel up to the bladder, ureters, and kidneys, and begin to grow. 大多数感染是由消化道的细菌引起的. The most common is E. coli (Escherichia coli) bacteria. These normally live in the colon.

Which children are at risk for a UTI?

.A UTI is common in infants and young children. A UTI is much more common in girls. This is because they have a shorter urethra. A UTI is unlikely in boys of any age. 但如果部分尿路堵塞,也可能发生在男孩身上. 未割包皮的男孩比割包皮的男孩患尿路感染的风险更大. 尿路部分或全部堵塞的儿童更容易患尿路感染.

泡泡浴可能会刺激尿道,使细菌在那里生长. Incorrect wiping increases the risk. (A child should wipe front to back.)在排便后这样做风险更大. 延迟上厕所和便秘也与尿路感染有关.

What are the symptoms of a UTI in a child?

Symptoms can be a bit different for each child.

Symptoms in babies can include:

  • Fever

  • Bad-smelling urine

  • Irritability

  • Crying

  • Fussiness

  • Vomiting

  • Poor feeding

  • Diarrhea

Symptoms in children can include:

  • Sudden need to pee (urinate)

  • Need to pee often

  • Loss of control of urine (incontinence)

  • Pain while urinating

  • Trouble urinating

  • Pain above the pubic bone

  • Blood in the urine

  • Bad-smelling urine

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Fever

  • Chills

  • Pain in the back or side below the ribs

  • Tiredness

尿路感染的症状可能看起来像其他健康状况. 你的孩子去看医生诊断了吗.

How is a UTI diagnosed in a child?

医生会询问孩子的症状和健康史. 医生会给你的孩子做身体检查. Your child may also have tests, such as:

  • Urine testing (urinalysis). 孩子的尿液被送到实验室检查红细胞, white blood cells, bacteria, protein, and signs of infection. 尿液也会被送去做培养和敏感检测. 这样做是为了找出引起感染的细菌类型以及治疗感染的最佳药物.

  • Kidney ultrasound. This is a painless imaging test. 它使用声波和计算机来制作血管、组织和器官的图像. 它可以显示内部器官的功能,还可以评估血管中的血流. 患有尿路感染的男孩或小于5岁或6岁的女孩可能需要进行这项检查.

  • Voiding cystourethrogram. This is a type of X-ray of the urinary tract. A thin, 软管(导尿管)是将尿液从膀胱排出到身体外部(尿道)的管道。. The bladder is filled with a liquid dye. 在膀胱充盈和排空时拍摄x射线图像. 图像将显示是否有尿液逆流进入输尿管和肾脏.

  • Nuclear medicine scan. 这种扫描可以帮助发现是否有疤痕或更严重的感染. 少量的放射性示踪剂通过静脉注射. Then pictures of the kidneys will be taken. This will show how well the kidneys are working.

How is a UTI treated in a child?

治疗取决于孩子的症状、年龄和总体健康状况. 这也取决于情况有多糟糕. Treatment may include:

  • Taking antibiotic medicine

  • Using a heating pad or medicines to ease pain

  • Drinking plenty of water


与您孩子的医疗保健提供者谈谈风险, benefits, and possible side effects of all treatments.

How can I help prevent a UTI in my child?

You can help prevent UTIs in your child if you:

  • Have your child drink plenty of fluids

  • 告诉你的孩子排尿时要完全排空膀胱

  • 教女孩上完厕所后从前到后擦拭

  • Make sure your child doesn’t get constipated


Call the healthcare provider if your child has:

  • Symptoms that don’t get better, or get worse

  • New symptoms

Key points about a UTI in children

  • 尿路感染(UTI)是排泄系统部分的炎症.

  • 大多数感染是由消化道的细菌引起的. The most common is E. coli bacteria. These normally live in the colon.

  • 尿路感染在5岁以下儿童中并不常见. 尿路感染在女孩中更为常见,因为她们的尿道较短.

  • 尿路感染不太可能发生在任何年龄的男孩身上,除非部分尿路被阻塞. 未割包皮的男孩比割包皮的男孩患尿路感染的风险更大.

  • Symptoms vary by age. 症状包括发烧、经常小便、疼痛和哭泣.

Next steps


  • 了解拜访的原因和你希望发生的事情.

  • 在拜访之前,写下你想要回答的问题.

  • 在就诊时,写下新诊断的名称,以及任何新的药物、治疗方法或测试. 也写下你的提供者给你的孩子的任何新的指示.

  • 了解为什么要开一种新药或治疗方法,以及它将如何帮助你的孩子. Also know what the side effects are.

  • 询问孩子的病情是否可以用其他方法治疗.

  • 了解为什么要推荐一个测试或程序,以及结果可能意味着什么.

  • 知道如果你的孩子不吃药或不做检查或不做手术会发生什么.

  • 如果你的孩子有后续预约,写下日期、时间和目的.

  • 知道如何在工作时间以外、周末和节假日联系孩子的看护人. 如果你的孩子生病了,你有问题或需要建议,这一点很重要.

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