Sexually Transmitted Diseases


性传播疾病是通过性接触在人与人之间传播的传染病. Millions of new cases happen every year in the U.S. 一半的新感染发生在15至24岁的人群中.

How can you protect yourself from STDs?

预防性病的最好方法是不要有任何形式的性行为, including oral, vaginal, and anal sex. 但如果你决定性生活频繁,你可以采取几个步骤来降低患性病的风险, or are currently sexually active. These include:

  • Any sexual relationship should be with only one uninfected partner. That partner should also not have any other partners.

  • Use a latex condom the correct way every time you have sex. 或者使用女性聚氨酯避孕套和杀死精子的药物(局部杀菌剂).

  • Use sterile needles if you inject IV medicines.

  • Prevent and control other STDs. This will lower your risk for human papillomavirus (HPV).

  • Delay having sexual relationships as long as you can. 你开始发生性行为的年龄越小,你就越有可能感染性病.

  • Have regular checkups for HIV and STDs.

  • 了解性传播疾病的症状,如果出现任何症状,应尽快寻求医疗帮助.

  • Don't have sexual intercourse during your monthly period.

  • Don't have anal intercourse. Or use a latex condom and medicine that kills sperm.

  • Don't douche.

有些人可以通过服用特殊药物(暴露前预防)来预防艾滋病毒感染。. Talk with your healthcare provider to see if it is right for you.

What to do when diagnosed with an STD?

  • Begin treatment right away. 服用完整疗程的药物,并听从医疗保健提供者的建议.

  • 如果你是艾滋病毒阳性,不要母乳喂养婴儿或用母乳喂养婴儿.

  • 告诉你当地的卫生部门或所有最近的性伴侣,敦促他们去做体检.

  • Don't have sexual activity while getting treatment for an STD.

  • 是否有后续检查以确保性病已被成功治疗.

What are some common types of STDs?

Common STDs are listed below.


HIV是一种破坏人体抵抗感染能力的病毒. 感染艾滋病毒的人可能在感染后很长一段时间内看起来或感觉不舒服. But if you are not diagnosed early and treated, 你最终将很可能患上许多危及生命的疾病和某些形式的癌症. The virus is passed on most often during sexual activity. It can also be passed on by sharing needles used to inject IV drugs. 艾滋病毒可以通过怀孕、分娩、分娩和母乳喂养传染给你的宝宝. If you know early in your pregnancy that you are HIV positive, 你可以接受治疗,大大降低你把病毒传染给孩子的机会, the CDC says.

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

HPV is a common sexually transmitted disease. Some types of HPV can cause genital warts (condylomas). These can happen on the inside or outside areas of the genitals. They may spread to the surrounding skin or to a sexual partner. 许多其他类型的HPV没有症状,所以你可能不知道你被感染了. 在大多数情况下,病毒会消失,不会引起进一步的健康问题. 但如果病毒持续存在,正常细胞就会发生变化,变得不正常. 感染高危型HPV(如HPV 16和18)的女性患宫颈癌的风险增加. 巴氏试验可以检测HPV感染,以及异常的宫颈细胞. HPV疫苗可以预防导致大多数宫颈癌的HPV类型. 它还可以预防大多数男性和女性的生殖器疣,以及男性的肛门癌. 即使对生殖器疣进行治疗,病毒仍会留在体内,疣可能会重新出现. 某些类型的HPV也会导致身体其他部位的疣,比如手. These are called common warts. These don't generally cause health problems. If a pregnant woman has a large number of genital warts, the growths can complicate a vaginal delivery. 如果疣堵塞了产道,妇女可能需要剖腹产.


Chlamydia is the most commonly reported STD in the U.S. It can affect both men and women. 这种感染可引起异常生殖器分泌物和排尿灼烧. 在女性中,未经治疗的衣原体可能导致盆腔炎(PID)。. Chlamydia can be treated with antibiotics. 不幸的是,许多衣原体患者很少或没有感染症状. The most common and serious complications occur in women. 除PID外,还包括输卵管(异位)妊娠和不孕症. Chlamydia can also be carried in and affect the rectum. 如果你怀孕了并且感染了衣原体,你的宝宝出生时就会被感染. This can cause eye infections or pneumonia in your baby. 有了衣原体,你也更有可能过早生孩子.


淋病会导致阴道或阴茎排出分泌物,以及排尿疼痛或困难. The most common and serious complications happen in women. They include PID, tubal pregnancy, and infertility. Gonorrhea can be treated with antibiotics. Gonorrhea can also be carried in and affect the rectum. 分娩时的淋病会传染给婴儿,导致严重的眼部感染.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes infections are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). 症状可能包括生殖器区域出现疼痛的水泡或开放性溃疡. Tingling or burning sensation in the legs, buttocks, or genital area may happen just before the blisters show up. The herpes sores usually disappear within a few weeks. 病毒留在体内,疮可能会不时复发. 目前还没有治愈单纯疱疹病毒的方法,但药物可以缩短爆发时间并减轻症状. HSV可以通过口交从口腔传播到生殖器. 即使没有明显的水疱,病毒也可以传染给性伴侣. This is called asymptomatic shedding. HSV can also be spread to a baby at the time of childbirth. This causes a very severe infection in the infant.


梅毒的第一个症状是无痛的开放性溃疡,通常出现在阴茎上, in the vagina, or on the skin around either sexual organ. Untreated syphilis may go on to more advanced stages. 这些症状包括皮疹和随着时间的推移心脏和中枢神经系统的问题. Syphilis can be treated with antibiotics. If a pregnant woman has untreated syphilis, the disease can cause dangerous, even fatal, problems for the baby. 先天性梅毒影响婴儿的方式取决于妇女患病的时间以及是否或何时接受了感染治疗. 这种形式的梅毒可导致流产、死产或婴儿出生后不久死亡. According to the CDC, 患有未经治疗的梅毒的妇女所生的婴儿中约有五分之二可能死产或死于婴儿期感染.

Other diseases

Other diseases that may be sexually transmitted include:

  • Bacterial vaginosis

  • Chancroid

  • Cytomegalovirus infections

  • Granuloma inguinale (donovanosis)

  • Lymphogranuloma venereum

  • Molluscum contagiosum

  • Pubic lice

  • Scabies

  • Trichomoniasis

  • Vaginal yeast infections

What are the facts about STDs and teens?

STDs affect men and women of all backgrounds and economic levels. But nearly half of all STD cases in the U.S. happen in people younger than age 25.

STDs are on the rise. 这可能是因为性活跃的人一生中有多个性伴侣.

Many STDs cause no symptoms at first. 此外,许多性病的症状可能看起来像其他非通过性接触传播的疾病. This is especially true in women. Even STDs without symptoms can be spread to other people.

Women suffer more severe symptoms from STDs:

  • 一些性传播疾病可以扩散到子宫和输卵管,引起盆腔炎. This can lead to both infertility and tubal pregnancy.

  • STDs in women also may lead to cervical cancer.

  • 性传播疾病可以在婴儿出生前或出生前由母亲传染给婴儿. Some infections of the newborn may be successfully treated. Others may cause a baby to be permanently disabled or even die.

Many STDs can be successfully treated when diagnosed early.


Wellness and Prevention