


过敏疫苗的替代品, 舌下免疫疗法(狭缝)可以缓解一些常见的过敏症状. 


  • 舌下免疫疗法的工作原理是让身体接触少量过敏物质.
  • 狭缝以片剂的形式提供, which are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 和下降, which are not currently approved by the FDA and therefore are not covered by insurance.
  • 过敏 drops are customized and blended for each person. They can be taken at home by placing them under the tongue.
  • Sublingual immunotherapy can help address a variety of airborne allergens, 包括宠物皮屑, 树和草的花粉, 和模具.


过敏免疫疗法是一种通过将人暴露于小剂量的过敏原(一种产生异常免疫反应的物质)而起作用的过敏治疗方法。. 舌下免疫疗法是一种相对较新的过敏免疫疗法——药物放在舌下(舌下),而不是注射到皮肤下(皮下), 注射过敏针).

The dose is gradually increased so that over time, it lowers the sensitivity and increases immunity (tolerance) to the allergen. 这种治疗可以慢慢地帮助减轻症状的严重程度和过敏发作的频率. 

许多对空气中物质过敏的人都有影响眼睛的过敏反应(过敏性结膜炎)。, nose (allergic rhinitis) and lungs (allergic asthma). 大多数人使用抗组胺药、减充血剂、鼻喷雾剂和吸入器来治疗这些症状. 过敏免疫疗法在解决这些症状方面非常有效,并有助于减少对过敏药物的依赖.



狭缝 过敏的平板电脑 are approved by the FDA and are covered by most insurance plans. 然而,此时,片剂只能用于以下空气传播的过敏原:

  • 短豚草花粉
  • 草 (sweet vernal, orchard, perennial rye, timothy and Kentucky bluegrass)
  • 室内尘螨 

另一种形式的狭缝, 过敏滴目前FDA还没有批准这种药物用于治疗过敏,也不在保险范围内. 过敏 drops have been used in Europe for years, and their “off-label” use in the U.S. 正在增加.

过敏滴剂提供了一个重要的好处:它们可以解决更广泛的空气过敏原,并为每位患者定制. 根据推荐十大正规网赌平台的过敏测试结果, the physician can formulate a mixture that can include such allergens as:

  • 杂草,包括豚草
  • 猫和狗
  • 模具
  • 尘螨
  • 羽毛

Sublingual 过敏 Drops Versus 过敏 Shots

舌下过敏滴剂的原料与过敏皮肤试验和过敏注射中使用的原料相同. The FDA has long approved these extracts for allergy testing and shots, 但它们目前还没有被批准用于狭缝.

过敏 shots have been used for a long time to treat rhinitis, 结膜炎, 哮喘和蜂毒过敏. Shots are somewhat better than drops for treatment of allergic rhinitis and asthma, with laboratory tests more likely to show favorable immune changes compared to drops. 

过敏疫苗必须在医生的办公室接受观察,这样可能出现的不良反应才能得到治疗. 过敏 shots are the right choice for many people, 但对其他人来说, sublingual immunotherapy offers more comfort and convenience, 以及更大的旅行灵活性,而不需要返回诊所注射.

Who can benefit from sublingual immunotherapy?

狭缝过敏滴剂可以作为过敏(包括过敏性鼻炎/结膜炎或哮喘)的儿童和成人的治疗计划的一部分,这些过敏是通过皮肤或血液测试阳性证实的. Multiple allergies can be treated with 狭缝 drops at the same time.


您的医生将评估您的药物和您的整体健康状况,以确定狭缝对您是否安全有效. The treatment is tailored for each person’s allergies, 医疗条件, response to previous allergy treatments and lifestyle.


It is not recommended for pregnant women to start taking 过敏滴. 然而, if a woman is already taking sublingual immunotherapy drops and becomes pregnant, she can continue 狭缝 at a stable dose throughout pregnancy.


We help patients find the best and safest way to manage their allergy symptoms, 无论是注射过敏针, 过敏滴剂或其他治疗方法. We strive to treat the root cause of the allergies, helping patients rely less on medications that only temporarily relieve symptoms. 

在我们的过敏专科医生的指导下,我们在绿泉站提供狭缝过敏滴剂, 霍华德·博尔坦斯基,m.s.D. We can help patients navigate questions regarding this treatment, including about cost.


如果你的医生建议过敏滴剂,一个定制的解决方案将为你准备滴瓶. 你的定制物品会在一个里面, 两三瓶, according to the number of things to which you are allergic.  

舌下免疫治疗滴剂每天一次,将滴剂放在舌下两分钟, 然后吞咽. Your doctor will instruct you on the proper technique. Caregivers need to give the drops to young children.

狭缝滴液尝起来很甜,因为它们含有甘油,大多数人对这种味道都很满意. 提高治疗效果, do not eat or drink for 15 minutes before and after taking the drops.

在前10周, 称为升级或积累阶段, your daily dose gradually increases from diluted to full strength. 然后,治疗转入维持阶段,在此期间,您开始每天服用相同剂量的药物. 您将与您的过敏专科医生进行定期随访,以评估舌下免疫治疗的效果,并根据需要调整剂量.


It is best to keep the 过敏滴 in a place that reminds you to take your daily dose. Each 10-milliliter dropper vial lasts about 10 weeks, and the formula is designed to remain potent without refrigeration during that time, 虽然冷藏没有危害. 如果你点了两瓶或两瓶以上, 你可能想要冷藏(注意不要冷冻)以后要用的小瓶.

How long does sublingual immunotherapy take to work?

大多数人注意到,当他们按照指示每天服用过敏滴剂时,他们的过敏症状在三到四个月内有所改善. 以确认它是否按预期工作, the doctor will schedule a follow-up for about six months after treatment starts. 

Some doctors recommend start times for certain allergies, 所以舌下免疫疗法可以让推荐十大正规网赌平台为过敏原可能更严重的季节做好准备. 例如, 对草花粉过敏的推荐十大正规网赌平台可能会被告知在冬天开始治疗,这样他们在春天就能得到更好的保护. 在约翰霍普金斯大学,我们的方法是全年给狭缝继续训练免疫系统.

It takes a long time to safely train the immune system not to overreact to an allergen. Daily dosing with sublingual immunotherapy may continue for three to five years.


Yes, you can fly while taking sublingual immunotherapy drops. Your doctor will provide a letter allowing you to carry the drops on an airplane.  


Sublingual immunotherapy is safe for both adults and children, as confirmed by numerous studies during the past 10 years. 世界卫生组织已经认可狭缝作为一种替代注射疗法(过敏注射)的方法。. 

危险的过敏反应(如过敏反应)是非常罕见的舌下免疫治疗, 到目前为止还没有死亡报告. Mild to moderate allergic reactions are possible.

Do not use sublingual immunotherapy if you have open sores, 口腔有割伤或溃疡, or if you are undergoing dental procedures that cause bleeding (oral surgery, 拔牙, 等.), 因为药物中的过敏原可能会过快进入你的血液,引起反应. You can resume taking the tablets or drops when your mouth has healed. 

If you have a severe allergic reaction at any time (such as difficulty breathing, a sensation of throat closure or if you feel as if you will lose consciousness), use the EpiPen (adrenaline auto-injector) and call 911 immediately. 你的过敏专科医生会给你开一个EpiPen,并教你如何在出现严重反应时使用它.


Some people notice mild swelling or itching of the lips, 在开始舌下免疫治疗后的最初几周内,舌头和喉咙出现不适. If you have any of these reactions, tell your doctor. 在大多数情况下,这些症状会随着时间的推移而减轻,因为你继续接受舌下免疫治疗. 

Moderate side effects have been documented (for one in about 10,000 doses), including:

  • 唇、口、舌发炎
  • Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping and diarrhea
  • 眼睛发痒或发红
  • Nasal symptoms (sneezing, itching or congestion)
  • 哮喘症状加重
  • 皮肤反应(荨麻疹、瘙痒或肿胀)

Another rare side effect is an allergic reaction in the esophagus 嘴和胃之间的管子. 这个问题(嗜酸性食管炎) can feel like heartburn or difficulty swallowing.

抗过敏滴药要多少钱? 他们有保险吗?

Because 狭缝 过敏滴 are not currently approved by the FDA, 保险不包括这笔费用, 每个诊所都不一样. 一年的抗过敏滴药价格从1000美元到几千美元不等, depending on the number of things to which you are allergic. 除了获得滴剂, 您将需要后续的办公室访问,这将取决于您的保险计划. If you have a health savings account (HSA), find out if you can use it for these expenses.


