

A mood disorder is a type of mental health condition where there is a disconnect between actual life circumstances and the person's state of mind or feeling. A mood disorder can negatively affect your ability to function normally. It can have serious consequences in all aspects of life, from personal to professional.

孩子们, 青少年, and adults can all have mood disorders. But children and 青少年 don’t always have the same symptoms as adults. 诊断儿童的情绪障碍比较困难. That's because they can't always express how they feel, and symptoms may look different in children from how they look in adults.

Therapy, medicines, and support and self-care can help treat mood disorders.



  • 重度抑郁症. 对正常活动缺乏兴趣, 感到悲伤或绝望, and other symptoms for at least 2 weeks may mean depression.

  • 心境恶劣. 这是一种持续的(慢性), 低级的, 抑郁, 或者持续至少2年的烦躁情绪.

  • 双相情感障碍. 在这种情况下, a person has times of depression alternating with times of mania or a higher mood.

  • 情绪障碍与另一种健康状况有关. 许多健康状况(包括癌症), 受伤, 感染, and chronic illnesses) can trigger symptoms of depression.

  • 物质诱发的情绪障碍. 抑郁症的症状可能是由滥用药物引起的, 酒精使用障碍, 接触毒素, 或者药物的副作用.


许多因素会导致情绪障碍. They are likely caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals. Life events (such as stressful life changes) may also help lead to a 抑郁 mood. 情绪障碍也有家族遗传的倾向.


任何人都会偶尔感到悲伤或沮丧. But mood disorders are more intense and last longer. They are also harder to manage than normal feelings of sadness. 孩子们, 青少年, or adults who have a parent with a mood disorder have a greater chance of also having a mood disorder. But life events and stress can expose or worsen feelings of sadness or depression. 这使得这种感觉更难控制.

有时生活中的问题会引发抑郁症. 比如被解雇, 离婚, 失去所爱的人, 家里有人去世了, 财政困难也很困难. 应对压力可能会很麻烦. These life events and stress can bring on feelings of sadness or depression. 或者它们会使情绪障碍更难控制.

The risk for depression in women is nearly twice as high as it is for men. 一旦家庭中有人被诊断出患有这种疾病, their siblings and their children have a higher chance of the same diagnosis.


取决于年龄和情绪障碍的类型, a person may have different symptoms when they become 抑郁. The following are the most common symptoms of a mood disorder:

  • 持续的悲伤、焦虑或“空虚”情绪

  • 感到绝望或无助

  • 自卑

  • 感觉不足或毫无价值

  • 过度内疚

  • Not interested in normal activities or activities that were once enjoyed, including sex

  • 感情问题

  • 睡眠困难或睡眠过多

  • 食欲或体重的变化

  • 降低能源

  • 麻烦把

  • 做决定的能力下降

  • 频繁的身体不适(例如, 头疼, 胃痛, 或者疲劳),这些症状不会随着治疗而好转

  • 离家出走或以离家出走相威胁

  • 对失败或拒绝非常敏感

  • 易怒、敌意或攻击性

  • Repeated thoughts of death or suicide, planning for death, or wishing to die 
    (注意: People with this symptom should get treatment right away!)

在情绪障碍方面, these feelings are more intense than what a person may normally feel from time to time. It’s also of concern if these feelings continue over time. Or if they interfere with someone's interest in family, friends, community, or work.

Any person who has thoughts of suicide should get medical help right away. If you can't get in immediately to your primary care provider, go to a reputable mental health facility in your community. 不要拖延.

The symptoms of mood disorders may seem like other conditions or mental health problems. Always talk with a healthcare provider for a diagnosis.


情绪障碍是一种严重的疾病. 精神病医生, 临床心理学家, 高级执业注册护士, or licensed clinical social worker can diagnose mood disorders after completing a complete health history and psychiatric evaluation.


情绪障碍通常可以成功治疗. 治疗包括:

  • 抗抑郁药和情绪稳定药. These medicines work very well in treating mood disorders, 尤其是在与心理治疗相结合的时候.

  • 心理治疗(most often cognitive-behavioral or interpersonal therapy). This kind of therapy is focused on changing the person’s distorted view of themselves and their environment. 它还有助于提高人际关系技巧. And it can help the person identify stressors in the environment and learn how to avoid or manage them.

  • 家庭治疗. A mood disorder can affect all aspects of a family (emotional, 物理, 职业, 和金融). Professional support can help both the person with the diagnosis and family members.

  • 其他疗法. These may include transcranial stimulation and electroconvulsive therapy for refractory depression (treatment-resistant depression).

Families play a vital supportive role in any treatment process.

Someone with a mood disorder may have times of stability and times when symptoms return. 长期, continuous treatment can help the person stay healthy and control symptoms.

当正确诊断和治疗时, 有情绪障碍的人可以稳定地生活, 富有成效的, 健康的生活.


At this time, there are no ways to prevent or reduce mood disorders. But early diagnosis and treatment can reduce the severity of symptoms. It can also enhance the person’s normal growth and development, and improve their quality of life. If you or someone you care about has symptoms of a mood disorder, talk to your healthcare provider.


  • A mood disorder is a class of serious mental illnesses. The term broadly describes all types of depression and bipolar disorders.

  • 孩子们, 青少年, and adults can all have mood disorders.

  • 许多因素会导致情绪障碍. They are likely caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals.

  • Most people with a mood disorder have ongoing feelings of sadness. 他们可能会感到无助和绝望.

  • Without treatment, symptoms can last for weeks, months, or years. 它们会影响生活质量.

  • 情绪障碍最常用药物治疗, 心理治疗或认知行为疗法, 家庭治疗, 或者药物和治疗的结合.

  • 长期, comprehensive follow-up care will help ensure the support needed for a full, 富有成效的生活.


